I have discovered an oil leak from my transmission. It is coming from the area where the driver's side axle inserts into the transmission.
Eventually I plan on getting a new 5 speed with short gears or a 6 speed but I am not quite ready for that yet (other projects first).
Is there a transmission oil additive that I can use to help stop the leak until I can really fix it right?
1991 NSX Red/Black
Comptech Supercharger
Bridgestone Proline Wheels
RM Exhaust
Passport SRX
Red Roof
[This message has been edited by Periokid (edited 08 October 2002).]
Eventually I plan on getting a new 5 speed with short gears or a 6 speed but I am not quite ready for that yet (other projects first).
Is there a transmission oil additive that I can use to help stop the leak until I can really fix it right?
1991 NSX Red/Black
Comptech Supercharger
Bridgestone Proline Wheels
RM Exhaust
Passport SRX
Red Roof
[This message has been edited by Periokid (edited 08 October 2002).]