Translation Help Needed

9 February 2000
Warwick, NY, USA
Translation Help Needed (COMPLETED, Thanks)


I am in need of a little help, that I know you guys can provide:). I am building a software product for Europe and I need this translated:

"Service port numbers must not be the same. Please enter unique port numbers for each service port."



Thanks to all who contributed, All translations are complete:)

Best Regards,
Last edited:
OK, here is the french translation :

"Les numéros des ports de services ne doivent pas être les mêmes. Entrez s'il vous plaît des numéros de ports -uniques- (maybe -différents- would be better) pour chaque ports de services.


Der IP Port ist bereits belegt. Bitte benutzen Sie verschidene TCP/IP Ports für jeden Service.

This does not translate exactly, as a German wouldn't say what you wrote. The first line is 'The IP port is already in use'. I use TCP/IP port as there is no real way to say 'service port'. I assume that's what you meant. Services use TCP/IP ports, but they aren't really 'service ports'.

Hi Larry,

I propose:
Die Service-Zugangsnummern müssen nicht identisch sein. Bitte geben Sie die individuellen Zugangsnummern für jeden einzelnen Service-Zugang ein.

You may also write "Port" instead of "Zugang" because also Germans use english words for computer related items.

Re: Translation Help Needed (COMPLETED, Thanks)

Here is the Dutch translation:

De service-portnummers mogen niet hetzelfde zijn. Gebruik unieke portnummers voor elke service-port.

"Il numero della porta di servizio non puo' essere lo stesso. Per favore introduca un numero unico per ogni porta di servizio" (Italian)

For german I would write as Wolfgang proposed since around here we use the word "port" anyway...
"Los números de puertas del servicio no deben ser iguales. Inserte por favor diversos números de puertas para cada puerta del servicio" (Spanish, my father tranlsated like this, could need some adjustment ;) he uses his once perfect spanish only 3-4 times per year).