Training Day

16 February 2001
Scottsdale, AZ
I was just watching 'Training Day', the movie with Denzel. In the beginning his new partner describes a DUI bust he had and he says, 'This Acura, just a beautiful car comes flying down the street all over the median, NXS...' Even in the movies they can't get the name right!

[This message has been edited by Ag NSX (edited 01 November 2001).]
Originally posted by Ag NSX:
I was just watching 'Training Day', the movie with Denzel. In the beginning his new partner describes a DUI bust he had and he says, 'This Acura, just a beautiful car comes flying down the street all over the median, NXS...' Even in the movies they can't get the name right!

[This message has been edited by Ag NSX (edited 01 November 2001).]

Haven't seen the movie yet and I don't know what the rest of the line is but maybe Denzel's new partner (Ethan Hawke?) was saying, "...down the street all over the median, IN EXCESS (NXS sounds similar)" dunno though since I don't know what the rest of the line was. Maybe he was saying in excess (of "insert speed here")??

Anyways, how was the movie? Haven't been to the theater in QUITE awhile and thinking of going this weekend.
I saw it twice and did not notice NSX, but clearly remember the scene being referred to. I could have missed it, though.

I thought the movie was real good. Denzel's range as an actor is amazing, even if you dont like the movie you have to appreciate his skill.
Here's the whole dialogue.

"It was a quiet night and we're rolling on Van Owen. I'm driving. This Acura, just a beautiful car comes rolling out of a side street, all over the median, NXS (or maybe in excess), I light it up, guy drives on like I'm invisible for like 10 blocks before he pulls over, plates run clean so I field test and arrest..."

I have the movie on avi and have listened to it over and over, is there anyway I can rip the sound out and post it here? It sounded like he said 'in excess', but in context of the sentence it wouldn't work. Of course after listening to it even more I'm beginning to think he said 'in excess' but it just doesn't fit the line and why would he say 'An Acura, beautiful car'?
Now you have my curiosity.. guess i will get the avi too!

NetViper -= 100% Stock EBP 2000 Civic Si =- Still looking to get an NSX, but at least I can live life at 8,000 RPM!
Windows Media Player encoder can rip a sound from a AVI. It's free and available from

-- Chris

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Originally posted by Ag NSX:
Here's the whole dialogue.

Of course after listening to it even more I'm beginning to think he said 'in excess' but it just doesn't fit the line and why would he say 'An Acura, beautiful car'?

I hate it when that happens, saying something over and over again till the word loses all meaning and sounds like whatever you want it to sound like =)