Traffic School question in CA

16 August 2002
Los Angeles
Hi, I am hoping someone can shed some light for me, either lawyer or someone that has been there.

I received 2 tickets within a month (2 different counties), and both courts state that I am eligible for traffic school since it's been 2+ years since my last attendance.

I am wondering if I attend traffic school for both tickets, would both of them registered as no points on my record? Or am I just wasting my time/money by going to the 2nd one?

Appreciate any inputs or suggestions.
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Contact Ticketassassin. I have had wonderful results with their help and so have a few of my friends. There is a cost of $25 to see all they have to offer. Once you are a member, you'll be able to use all of the documents and the like. They have a member that has been to traffic school multiple times in a year (not suggested)
Contact Ticketassassin. I have had wonderful results with their help and so have a few of my friends. There is a cost of $25 to see all they have to offer. Once you are a member, you'll be able to use all of the documents and the like. They have a member that has been to traffic school multiple times in a year (not suggested)

Gone through it, and found guilty. Me and another friend both went through trial by declaration, seems that the court is catching on, they automatically returns a guilty verdict now adays.

My next option is to try the trial de novo, however, have to take time off to go to court up in Kern county. So, I was thinking if it's possible to just take the cash hit and go to traffic school for both tickets. Ultimately, it's my record and the insuranace premium that I am saving.t

I am sure i am not the only one, or the first time this scenario came up, just wondering if anyone out there has done this or know what to do?
SilverOne said:
Gone through it, and found guilty. Me and another friend both went through trial by declaration, seems that the court is catching on, they automatically returns a guilty verdict now adays.

My next option is to try the trial de novo, however, have to take time off to go to court up in Kern county. So, I was thinking if it's possible to just take the cash hit and go to traffic school for both tickets. Ultimately, it's my record and the insuranace premium that I am saving.t

I am sure i am not the only one, or the first time this scenario came up, just wondering if anyone out there has done this or know what to do?

Statistically, trial by declarations win 66% of the time. Either by the officer not showing up or not enough judges to go thru them. Not sure how the conclusion of automatic guilty verdicts was reached. If you follow the procedures, your chance of winning are very good. If you lost, you can still appeal and go into court and fight your case, just as if you never filed the TBD. Kinda of like a free try at winning(that is if you have grounds to stand on)
I send my declaration in on 5th of this month, the court received the declaration, and judgement was made same day, which is the 7th.

My understanding of the process is I submit my forms, then the officer will be notified to submit his, then the judge makes the decision afterwards. When I talked to the court clerk, she explained the process as both me and the officer gets the notice at the same time, and whever both forms come back to the court, the judge will make his decision. But, when did the court system become so efficient, that they receives my form, and render a decision on the same day???

Also, friend of mine submitted his form for speeding, and it came back w/in 2 weeks, which seems awfully fast also if it followed the process I described above.
David, I'm not sure but I think the DMV will catch it after it gets by the court system...You might be wasting your money and time...You can get info at any court house on the subject...I think there is still a second chance type traffic school you can ask for by going to court and seeeing the judge, it allows you to go to TS twice within the 18 months, where you pay more and go to school longer, but you can get it taking care of...I think it is still available...good luck.
My input applies only to Texas, but it might be something to keep in mind.

Around here, you can take traffic school once a year to dismiss a ticket. The DPS (Dept of Public Safety) keeps track of it, and anytime you attempt to have a ticket dismissed this way, the court makes you request your record from the state, showing that you haven't taken advantage of it in the last year.

Maybe California does something similiar. You may want to ask one of the courts on what exactly is needed to be able to take traffic school.
Just my luck..., got another ticket yesterday, walking across a red signal! Look out in Pasadena!

CVC 21453(d), does anyone know if that's considered a moving violation? Is there a point penalty or just fine?
SilverOne, your on a bad streak! Your most recent citation should only be a fine with no points. Be safe!
SilverOne said:
Just my luck..., got another ticket yesterday, walking across a red signal! Look out in Pasadena!
I'm surprised you even crossed on a red light, knowing how people drive in So. Cal. :D At least you didn't get hit by a car and then ticketed! :D Not much of a consolation.

No points, but it still is going to cost you around $50+ for j-walking.
ss_md said:
I'm surprised you even crossed on a red light, knowing how people drive in So. Cal. :D At least you didn't get hit by a car and then ticketed! :D Not much of a consolation.

No points, but it still is going to cost you around $50+ for j-walking.

wasn't J walking, that's why I was wondering if there is a point penalty. The cop actually admitted to us(2 coworkers too) that he REALLY needs to write some tickets as he just transferred into the unit.., how sad!