Traction Control

5 October 2004
Victoria, Australia
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if you NSX owners usually drive around with the TCS on or off?

How much difference do you feel between the two?

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I personally drive with it off including in the rain, however I don't suggest driving with it off unless you know how to control the car in the event the rear kicks loose. Many will agree that the TCS will often benefit you more if it were on rather then off.
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As usual...Rob's words are virtual wisdom! I always have my traction control on - but thats because my wheels are not stock, nor are my rims. I believe that its more safe to ride with the traction on when you have moved away from stock wheels and rims..I could be wrong...but I like to be safe...I want my Black Beauty to remain with me for a long time to come.

I don't have TCS. It's not in my R ECU.:biggrin: It's more fun, you can slide the tail out a little when you want to do that.
On the street I always drive with the TCS ON.
On the track, switchting the TCS OFF is the first thing that I do.

The reason for this is that the TCS will help you if you are making a slight mistake. Like taking a short turn just a little too fast. TCS will sometimes kick in for just a second and prevent the tail breaking loose.

However, if you are driving faster and more on the limit of adhesion, like on the track, I think TCS can get you into trouble.
Like if you take a long turn fast and the tail starts to slide, TCS will kick in and interfere with you manuall correcting the car by counter steering and/or working with the throttle.
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