Today I got a new security system fitted. That works well, but when I was picking up the car I first noticed that the yellow traction control light in the dash was on after starting (didn't drive).
I showed it to the security system installer and this time the same thing did not happen, but now the LED on the TC button doesn't light up. (The one in the dash lights up green saying TC off when it is off, and nothing when it is on as it should)
So basically it seems now the LED doesn't work on the button, or TC is not working at all...
He offered me to bring the car back and get it seen... but how can I see if my TC is actually working??
I showed it to the security system installer and this time the same thing did not happen, but now the LED on the TC button doesn't light up. (The one in the dash lights up green saying TC off when it is off, and nothing when it is on as it should)
So basically it seems now the LED doesn't work on the button, or TC is not working at all...
He offered me to bring the car back and get it seen... but how can I see if my TC is actually working??