Traction control button

3 May 2003
UK / Germany
Today I got a new security system fitted. That works well, but when I was picking up the car I first noticed that the yellow traction control light in the dash was on after starting (didn't drive).

I showed it to the security system installer and this time the same thing did not happen, but now the LED on the TC button doesn't light up. (The one in the dash lights up green saying TC off when it is off, and nothing when it is on as it should)

So basically it seems now the LED doesn't work on the button, or TC is not working at all...

He offered me to bring the car back and get it seen... but how can I see if my TC is actually working??

Find some loose surface, or wait till it rains (not long to wait!). Turn steering to full lock and drop the clutch. Makes my TCS engage!

Yellow light is for a TCS problem. Flashing green light for when it is activated, and another green light for when TCS has been turned off, and the led on the button goes out.
CRX B16B VTEC said:
how can I see if my TC is actually working??

Take your car to a parking lot, preferably a wet parking lot (shouldn't be too hard, where you live), and from a stop, let the clutch out and stomp on the gas hard. You should feel it as well as seeing the light on the dash flashing.
Try pulling the clock fuse to reset the ECU and see if the problem goes away.
NSXROX said:
Try pulling the clock fuse to reset the ECU and see if the problem goes away.

If you're going to try this, write down the frequencies of your radio preset buttons before you do. They will be lost when you pull the fuse (along with the time of day for the clock, of course).
Thanx, I'll try these out.

The summer here is actually good, and so the whether is not like you'd expect from England! I go out side in T-shirt you know! But yeah, not too long before it get rainy.

I did try to wheel spin, but is hard, and traffic is bad. I have to go to somewhere really open to try anything silly.

This Yellow light thing doesn't come up anymore (I only saw it once...)

But the green LED on the TC button has definately gone.

What kind of diff does NSXs have anyway? I have a Cusco LSD on my CRX, should I do the same on my NSX?