In other threads I've talked about my recent experience in participating on the HPDE at NSXPO in Vegas, and about the trans problems that occurred (loss of 1st, 3rd and 4th gears). I've posed the question in those threads on whether or not one should track an AT NSX. So far I have not received any comments, so I thought I would ask the question in this forum.
My NSX mechanic stated that due to the weakness of the NSX auto trans, tracking it is not recommended. I was considering the Level 10 upgraded trans, but there are some downsides. In addition to the cost (approx. 6.2K) their warranty is only 6-mo. and I would have to ship the trans back to them for warranty repairs, not good. Also, several owners on the Supra Forum had bad experiences with Level 10, but all were 4-6 years ago. Of the NSX owners that I have conversed with that have had the Level 10 upgrade, one was satisfied and the other had not yet driven the car in that he is having a turbo installed.
I was also wondering if there were other ways to make the NSX AT a little more durable, i.e., adding an trans fluid cooler and using an upgraded trans fluid.
Does anyone have other info one way or another? I really enjoyed the HPDE and would like to track again on occasion, but I would hate have to sell my auto for a manual just to track occasionally.
PS: Please don't turn this thread into a manual vs auto trans discussion.
In other threads I've talked about my recent experience in participating on the HPDE at NSXPO in Vegas, and about the trans problems that occurred (loss of 1st, 3rd and 4th gears). I've posed the question in those threads on whether or not one should track an AT NSX. So far I have not received any comments, so I thought I would ask the question in this forum.
My NSX mechanic stated that due to the weakness of the NSX auto trans, tracking it is not recommended. I was considering the Level 10 upgraded trans, but there are some downsides. In addition to the cost (approx. 6.2K) their warranty is only 6-mo. and I would have to ship the trans back to them for warranty repairs, not good. Also, several owners on the Supra Forum had bad experiences with Level 10, but all were 4-6 years ago. Of the NSX owners that I have conversed with that have had the Level 10 upgrade, one was satisfied and the other had not yet driven the car in that he is having a turbo installed.
I was also wondering if there were other ways to make the NSX AT a little more durable, i.e., adding an trans fluid cooler and using an upgraded trans fluid.
Does anyone have other info one way or another? I really enjoyed the HPDE and would like to track again on occasion, but I would hate have to sell my auto for a manual just to track occasionally.
PS: Please don't turn this thread into a manual vs auto trans discussion.
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