Tracking an Automatic

27 May 2006
West San Gabriel Valley Area, CA

In other threads I've talked about my recent experience in participating on the HPDE at NSXPO in Vegas, and about the trans problems that occurred (loss of 1st, 3rd and 4th gears). I've posed the question in those threads on whether or not one should track an AT NSX. So far I have not received any comments, so I thought I would ask the question in this forum.

My NSX mechanic stated that due to the weakness of the NSX auto trans, tracking it is not recommended. I was considering the Level 10 upgraded trans, but there are some downsides. In addition to the cost (approx. 6.2K) their warranty is only 6-mo. and I would have to ship the trans back to them for warranty repairs, not good. Also, several owners on the Supra Forum had bad experiences with Level 10, but all were 4-6 years ago. Of the NSX owners that I have conversed with that have had the Level 10 upgrade, one was satisfied and the other had not yet driven the car in that he is having a turbo installed.

I was also wondering if there were other ways to make the NSX AT a little more durable, i.e., adding an trans fluid cooler and using an upgraded trans fluid.

Does anyone have other info one way or another? I really enjoyed the HPDE and would like to track again on occasion, but I would hate have to sell my auto for a manual just to track occasionally.



PS: Please don't turn this thread into a manual vs auto trans discussion.
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Did I instruct/ride along with you at NSXPO? If so, you were driving the car quite well and at a higher level than many drive their Manual cars -thus working the car and transmission a lot more than a beginner. It was a lot of fun to ride with you and I hope the community helps to resolve your issue.


Did I instruct/ride along with you at NSXPO? If so, you were driving the car quite well and at a higher level than many drive their Manual cars -thus working the car and transmission a lot more than a beginner. It was a lot of fun to ride with you and I hope the community helps to resolve your issue.


Hello Billy!

Yes, that was me that you rode with in sessions 1 and 2 on Sunday. I specifically talked about my experience with you and the other instructors in another thread, see link below.

In addition to the basic instruction that you gave me, I gained a lot of confidence in my car's performance ability after seeing you drive my car so fast around the track. After that, I definitely moved to a higher level due that that gained confidence. And, my tires showed some wear from it, and docjohn commented on some photos of me on the track, stating that you had me load up my suspension really good!

Yes, I hope that I can find a way to track my auto without worrying about blowing the trans again. However, if the track bug's bite gets infected, I might have to sell the auto for a manual LOL.

Thanks again for your helpful instructions at HPDE!


Hey Mario,
I dont think your transmission going out has anything to do with the track and you pushing your car at the track. It was a problem that you either allready had or it has to do with something else. I never heard in the last 6 years on prime that anyone say hey you shouldnt track your auto nsx. Only heard that with the OEM auto tranny you dont want to supercharge or turbo it, as Oem tranny cant handle more power than it allready makes. Level 10 will cost you about $4000-4500 with shipping back and forth.
Hey Mario,
I dont think your transmission going out has anything to do with the track and you pushing your car at the track. It was a problem that you either allready had or it has to do with something else. I never heard in the last 6 years on prime that anyone say hey you shouldnt track your auto nsx. Only heard that with the OEM auto tranny you dont want to supercharge or turbo it, as Oem tranny cant handle more power than it allready makes. Level 10 will cost you about $4000-4500 with shipping back and forth.

Your comment in Red Font may be possible. I switched cars at NSXPO (before the HPDE) with Wirewizz (John) who also has an automatic. We wanted to see the similarities or differences in the two autos. John noticed a whine from what he thought was from my trans. I did for sure work my trans hard in auto mode. I wonder if it would have made a difference in sports shift mode?

I do not believe Findlay took the trans apart to see exactly what the problem was. According to Charlie at Finlay, they no longer work on trans. However, they did determine that it was not a solenoid problem as first thought.

Thanks for your comments, and kep me informed on your Level 10 trans experience.

