Track incidents at NSXPO

28 March 2002
There were two incidents at the track today but to avoid any rumors being started both students and instructors are fine. Many attendees were photographing the vehicles but PLEASE DO NOT POST ANY ON THE INTERNET. Out of respect for the drivers, who shall remain anonymous, please refrain from posting any photos taken today.

Thank you.
I would just like to add again for obvious reasons. Please do not post names of the drivers involved or pictures of the cars on prime or anywhere else on the internet.

Thanks all.
I've got some video I'd like to post, but will edit those cars out if they appear in any of the footage. Can someone please PM me the car numbers? Thanks.
Why are we not posting? Were there injuries? If so I could understand... but if not I am unclear on the necessity of this 11th commandment.
NeSX said:
Why are we not posting? Were there injuries? If so I could understand... but if not I am unclear on the necessity of this 11th commandment.

I would assume that it is because of insurance companies and lawyers having access to pictures and stories on the internet, and then coming to conclusions and or decisions based on what they see and read.
I would assume that it is because of insurance companies and lawyers having access to pictures and stories on the internet, and then coming to conclusions and or decisions based on what they see and read.

But there is already evidence that there was an incident at the track as witnessed by this thread. I'm sure it's not to difficult to figure out that a car was damaged in NY and then there was mention of it on the internet and it happend to occur at a track.

Remember guys, once someting is posted on the internet there now becomes a permenant record of it that can be "printed" out and used as evidence.

Anyway, i hope than nothing more than ego's and metal were damaged at the track.
DocL said:
But there is already evidence that there was an incident at the track as witnessed by this thread.
I'll trust Bob's advice for now. The thread can always be deleted in a day or so if need be.

Post names and this member will be one pissed dude.
KGP said:
I'll trust Bob's advice for now. The thread can always be deleted in a day or so if need be.

Post names and this member will be one pissed dude.

Hey, I wasn't at NSXPO and I have no knowledge of anything, and I'd be pissed if it was made public also. But, I was just pointing out the obvious. Any savy internet user (eg, lawyer or insurance investigator) can find information very easily. Not to get too far off topic, but this is the reason why you'll never see me give written dental advice anywhere on the internet.

Just my $.02
DocL said:
Not to get too far off topic, but this is the reason why you'll never see me give written dental advice anywhere on the internet.

You may be on the safe side when you write: Brush your teeth! ;)

Legal statement: I'm no dentist and have no clue about teeth (but I have some clue about NSX accidents - already totalled one - sorry for the person who may have encountered that too)
Words are just that,but a picture is worth a thousand of them,so it should be obvious why.
Fair enough... didn't think about the insurance issue. Probably should have been mentioned in original post.

Sorry to hear about the "oops", but it does happen. But lets talk for a sec.

Either this was a DE event or it wasn't. Last I checked with my insurance people (American Family) and the last two DE events I participated in (Infineon and BIR) there is no question that insurance will cover any damage to the car. Jim at Infineon said after the incident there last year that in the history of the track there was not one uncovered DE accident. Seeing as the pics of the car from the event should look very similar to the car when its presented to the adjuster, why would it be bad to post them?

I've been off into the weeds and taken a couple RM front air dams off, and it could have been way worse. Had it come to a huge aluminum crunching wreck, I'd post the pics here myself - if only to prove I lived through it!

I do suggest those of you out there with initact NSXs to have an appraisor (one who knows collector and show cars) value your car for stated value coverage, lest you find yourself getting a check for bluebook for your perfect, customized, rolling wallet.

Arshad said:
Insurance reasons...

It's none of my business, nor do I know what happened at NSXPO, but I really don't understand this type of comments :confused:
The way I read this (and I sincerely hope I'm wrong), it sounds like there is information that need to be kept secretive so that what really happened is not known. If that's the case, everyone aware of this incident and willingly admitting to on a internet forum but at the same time conspiring alongside by keeping quiet becomes accessory to fraud against insurance, a felony in many states, no? :confused:
No, I think it does no good for countless individuals to speculate,ponder,or confabulate about an incident that involves only two people and perhaps 2-4 nearby observers,and that occured within 5-10 seconds start to finish.If the owner wishes to post pics that is his choice. I feel it is not proper for others to.There may be no legal argument not to ,but there are strong moral and privacy issues grounds, not to ,imo.
apapada said:
there is information that need to be kept secretive so that what really happened is not known.

It is fairly simple, any bit of inaccurate information can seriously impact the perception of what happened. Thus potentially complicating things for those involved. Unfortunately, the fact that the internet is a public arena.... it is not possible for anyone to guarantee the accuracy of posts.
apapada said:
It's none of my business, nor do I know what happened at NSXPO, but I really don't understand this type of comments

Sometimes you just need to listen to advice rather than question it blindly. I am not looking at starting an argument but it is counter-productive to admit that something is not your concern and then further admit that you have no knowledge of the subject matter but yet attempt to castigate those who have a familiarity with that matter.
Maybe the pictures could be sent via email from the people involved to those who wish to see the pictures? This would keep the matter private? I am glad everyone is ok.
DocL said:
Any savy internet user (eg, lawyer or insurance investigator) can find information very easily.

It is not "information" that is the concern but "misinformation". There is way too much false information disseminated on the internet in general by people with absolutely no knowledge of that which they speak.
RSO 34 said:
It is not "information" that is the concern but "misinformation". There is way too much false information disseminated on the internet in general by people with absolutely no knowledge of that which they speak.

I do agree with this, as I understand also with keeping the cars and owners identity confidential. In Australia, any car on a track is not covered by any insurance period.

As a private pilot, I read up on all the flying disasters and light plane crashes, not because I am morbid or revel in others misfortune, but if I can gain some knowledge or experience from any accident that I may have to recall at some time that saves me... Then the misfortune of others was not a total waste.

I would like to know what happened at NSXPO, if only to maybe learn something from someone else's obviously unfortunate experience. But I have accepted the fact that I missed the rest of NSXPO as well... :(

I am glad nobody was hurt....
There is nothing out of the ordinary,mystical or otherwise.There is much more to be learned by attending an hpde with instructers than to discuss these isolated on-track one car incidents. There was nothing unusual about them.It can happen to the best of us.The learning curve is steep,nuf said.