Track down a Jaguar XK8 tonight in San Diego


27 May 2002
In the South
Take care gentlemen. No need to argue.

[This message has been edited by Deqle (edited 30 December 2002).]
You need to grow up - if you want to kill yourself fine, that's your business, but I pity the poor innocents that might end up caught in your mess. The thought that you actually go out "hunting" for this activity is pathetic.
I, for one, would like these type of stories barred from this forum - for me they add absolutely zero value & dilute the quality of this fine medium.
Let's see. A buddy of yours wrecked his new 360 Modena while fvcking around and you still haven't learned a lesson. Furthermore, you go out on public highways and obviously endanger your life, your friends life, and those of other people minding their own business. What if your jackass friend in the S2000 lost control after his car came back down to earth at a speed well over 100mph. I wouldn't want to be the one to tell his family that he died doing something as assanine as chasing down a car. What I would like to see however, would be the horrified look on your face after you saw your dead buddy in the middle of the road. Pretty harsh, but it's going to happen.

If you like to gamble with your life, just buy a murdercycle or play Russian Roulette with a .38 Special. You'll only end up hurting yourself and us as taxpayers won't have to pay for your three meals a day at prison.

Your post belongs on some street racer kill board. Not here!
Hmm, interesting. I guess a lot of people don't really like these stories, they are fun to read sometime, don't you think? First of, everytime we race, it is pretty late, and there is usually no traffic at all. Second of all, if some of you think that these guys bought all these toys just to put them in the garage, you are wrong. Last but not least, every single one of these guys know the consequences to their actions as I do, so we accept it.

P.S. This was never my intention for it to turn into a kill story. Most of the time, It was us having fun with each other, and as such Off Topic is the proper location to post the story. But in the future, out of respect for some of the members in this board, because this is a great board, i will refrain from posting these runs on this board.
D'eccose, and Dr. Lane
There are no need for name calling here on this board; "Jackass", and all that belong in other places, don't you think? I have never had a problem with you guys on this board, nor do I intend to in the future. But let's get one thing clear, respect have to be given and received by both parties, and as such, we need to watch what we are saying to one another.

If you guys are the kind of gentlemen that put your cars in the garage, and drive carefully, then that is what you do and I respect it, but this is what we do, and we accept it.
First of all, there is no name-calling in my post. Secondly, Dr. Lane did not call you, personally, a jackass but referred it descriptively to your friend: I would debate whether this could be considered name-calling - seems a pretty apt description for someone who just wrecked a $200,000+ car. This in a downtown neighborhood no less - while, as stated in your original story, you were going for "a few drinks".
Lastly, you missed the whole point - not only do we not want to hear about it, you are not only endangering yourself, but potential inncent victims. Regardless of whether YOU accept it, it is unacceptable in society.
Originally posted by Deqle:
Hmm, interesting. I guess a lot of people don't really like these stories, they are fun to read sometime, don't you think? First of, everytime we race, it is pretty late, and there is usually no traffic at all.

Most of us were guilty of a occasional burst of speed at one point of another. But to go regularly racing on the street like you implied in your post is another story.

Second of all, if some of you think that these guys bought all these toys just to put them in the garage, you are wrong.

None of us think that people bought this toys to just sit in the garage. Some of us like to take them to the track so it can stretch it legs. That's what the tracks are for. And trust me, it is much more funner

Last but not least, every single one of these guys know the consequences to their actions as I do, so we accept it.

I'm sure you and your friends knows and ready to accept the consequences. But how bout other people on the street. There are a few incident, where they supposedly race in empty streets/highway and ended hitting unexpected traffic.

P.S. This was never my intention for it to turn into a kill story. Most of the time, It was us having fun with each other, and as such Off Topic is the proper location to post the story. But in the future, out of respect for some of the members in this board, because this is a great board, i will refrain from posting these runs on this board.

He, no problem man. Hoe you join us in our next track event at Buttonwillow on Feb 16!

<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>
Join us Nov 24!

[This message has been edited by Andrie Hartanto (edited 28 December 2002).]
I think many of us are enthusiast drivers,and most of the cars are not garage queens,nsxpo proves that.The only point I wish to make is,If you want the adrenaline rush and competition of street racing then sign up for as many hpde's as possible.Folks who frequently do what you describe and don't bother with track events are one or many of the following:lazy,ignorant,cheap,uninformed,undisciplined.I'm sorry if I seem rude but the many of us who are as addicted to speed as you are routinely travel 4-5 hrs and stay overnite 2-3wkend/mo to track our cars.And it kills us NE region folk to know you Ca. guys can do this year round! Rant over!
I invite all your San Diego ppl who thinks street racing is cool to come out to the TrackNutz event as mentioend by Andrie's post at ButtonWillow on Feb 16th. I will personally show you what going "really" fast feels like.

George W
Porsche 996 for sale!

I'm with the others on this one. After reading the post on the 360 Modena I was suprised to find this type of post by you. It leads us to question how the 360 really got wrecked. I don't see how going airborne can be construed as safe at night or anytime and that fact that it happened meant that the roads you guys were on (I'm assuming you know the roads in your area) weren't even remotely safe for high speed driving.
Degle, I didn't call you and any of your friends a name. I used an adjective to describe a behavior of your friend. Here's the deal. No one here wants to learn of a fellow NSXer getting hurt or killed in a MVA. Yes I like to speed, and I have broken the speed limit on numerous occasions. I have the tickets and insurance rate hikes to prove it, but I have never put the lives of anyone else in danger. We have roads that are in the middle of nowhere here and those are the places that I like to stretch the legs of my cars.

I was not bashing you, only your poor decision making. Unfortunately, the gamble that you are taking will result in damage of some sort, and it usually happens to worst to those who say "it will never happen to me." If one life can be saved then everyoe here has done their job, and we certianly don't want to see a fellow enthusiast hurt in any way.

If you are ever in S. Florida, give me a ring and I'll take you either a track event, or we'll go out in my 600hp Mustang for quick run on Alligator Alley.
I just want to post after spending time with Deqle and a few others from Prime on a canyon run this afternoon that they were very careful and far more controlled then I (like you) would have expected. Never did we reach an unsafe speed (if you count 5-15mph over the speed limit unsafe, ok then we were unsafe), and everyone drove like the last thing they wanted to do was wreck their cars or cause an accident or endanger someone else.

I too read the "kill" thread and I expected the worst when I brought my car, and while I don't drive a "sports car," I've tracked my "sports sedan" and I know exactly where its limits are after a few years of driving nothing but it, every single day.

I wanted to ride as passenger to get more time in an NSX (primary reason) and feel the group out in case the worst happens its not in my car (secondary reason). I've done a lot of canyon carving (I average 22k miles a year, 10k of that is canyon carving) and I wasn't sure if I would have been able to keep up.

I have to say, the picture being painted here of street racing may be true in one case when someone wrecked their 360, and one case may be enough to warrant a street racing hothead label, but no one held a revolver to the head of the 360 driver. No one forced the XK8 to join in. If the driving was anything like it was today, the 360 driver did not a) know the limits of his car, b) have enough wheel time to adaquately control it in various situations, and c) surprised he didn't crash it sooner given those reasons. The 360 driver made a choice and accepted that risk, illegal or not, just as I made mine this afternoon.

I expected I would have no business hanging with this group. So I opted to be a passenger. The 360 driver didn't know any better and owning a car like that, they should have.

There's no excuse, anytime or anyplace, for some of the antics I, and perhaps some those reading this, have made.

Today's driving through the canyons was outrageously fun and relaxing. The streets were not treated like a track, but we did corner aggressively, thrashed our engines, and stayed in a tight formation. And we did have to pass someone who was going 25 in a 35 and avoided turn off after turn off.

While I agree, the kill threads don't belong in a civilized forum such as this, I felt I should post a comment being a non-NSX owner (for now
) and very new to Prime.

Lets keep the praises for the forums and keep the negative e-mails offline.

Have a safe and happy weekend,

[This message has been edited by JaguarXJ6 (edited 28 December 2002).]
5-15mph over the speed limit? I recall Deqle saying he had run up to 115mph.

But I do agree with you and "kill" threads. Kill threads belong on the Mustang and Civic forums...
I really appreciate all the input, gentlemen. One of the reason why I enjoy my time on this board so much is the desciptive, and thoughtful posts of all of its memebers. One thing I want to make clear is that, when we are out, it is usually pretty late, hence very little traffic, and it is us who run against each other. Other motorists are alway welcome to join in if they also know what they are doing, piloting a high caliber car, and knowing that there is an inherent risk associate with racing.
Why do we do this, you asked? First off, a lot of time, when we get together, it is often impromptu, and not schedule way in advance. You have to realize that most of these guys are pretty busy, and do not alway have the time to schedule anything, so thos is an alternative. You can say that it is "the feeling of the moment".
Second of all; yes I, too, was guilty in putting other innocent lives in danger in the past when I was younger. Not no more. Now over 95 percent of the time, when we run, it is just us, and very little traffic; like I already mention above.
And last, it is very hard to resist the temptation of running against some of the best and fastest cars out there (GT2, Modena, NSX, Supra, M3, S2k, MR2, Z06, and others). Other people would never get an opportunity to do what we do, that is the way we look at it.
Perhap, in the future, things will change, and we will have more time for the track. But you have to remember, we can still get kill or hurt on the track.
Anyhow, I thank you for all your input, I will be sure ton keep them in mind.
Dan H,
Only 115mph. On some of the run that we did, the speed of all the cars involve would be nothing short of staggering. And yes, I know the road real well, but sometime I can not control what other drivers in my group do (ie, the Modena incident).
I run the show here in San Diego, and I know it is usually my responsibility to keep evrything under control (as most of our outing are really fun and successful), but sometime things happen. Does not matter, whether on the street or on the track. Hope this will make you guys better understand where I come from.
No, this is not a kill thread. And when I mention the word "hunting", it is more like hunting in our own pack. Not with Civic and Mustang. We would never do that
I didn't lack behind, It was because of traffic. As it turns out, both me and the black NSX have to play catch up through those long line.
My buddy Will has a silver S2K just like that, and it was him who made that run.
Originally posted by Deqle:
My buddy Will has a silver S2K just like that.

I'm sure he will have soon....

[edit: Still can't spell properly....]

[This message has been edited by DutchBlackNsx (edited 29 December 2002).]
Don't think that you and your friends are exempt from horrifying crashes just because you do what you do late night or that traffic was light.

Recently a group of late-night-freeway racers flew by me at triple digit speeds. It was 1AM, roads were open, and no traffic - just like the conditions you described.

Guess what, few moments later, I saw the same group again few miles down the road. Except this time I could not make out the cars - they were crashed and totalled.

And there was a body that laid motionless behind the totalled car, with the rest of the group looking over the body in screaming horror.

Enough said.