Toyota trying to steal Honda Thunder by putting similar set up in a Yaris???

Civic Type R is supposed to be 300 hp turbo 4. Toyota is probably counting 100+ hp from the e-motors. 280-300 hp max from 1.6 is my guess. They would have to run like 25 psi for the motor to produce 400 hp! Lol lag would be horrendous.
The E's are 60hp a piece plus tq. Not going into production but it's like they're saying "Yeah whatever Honda we put that sh*t on our economy car hybrid and it's ready before your flagship"
Well it's one thing to make a handful of cars so the liability, warranty, and consumer support is low and it's another ball game to offer a planned production car that is going cover many fields and categories while extending accessibility to thousands of people. They are simply not even in the same league, even if both are talking about similar horsepower rating. It keeps going back to my consistent nag about it's not hard to create power houses, but that is only one variable.

They even brought up the example of the Juke-R. I don't see it being better than the GTR at all, even though it's technically rarer and the price tag was outrageously more than the GTR. I heard most of them are going to Middle East, where oil princes have nothing better to spend their money on... :redface: Perhaps the surplus of the mark-up is going to charity? Lol

There is nothing refined or sophisticated about a Juke or Yaris chassis/platform, so I could care less if they can hit 200 mph or lap whatever track in record breaking time.
To use the wisdom of Happy Gilmore...If I had a car that looked like that, I'd have to kick my own ass.
You honestly think Toyboata will let the public have a 1.6 liter turbo engine with that type of output without having the buyers signing the doted lines of 0 warrantee?

They do that, they'll eclipse their own LF/A.