Toyota HSC???---"Volta"

Interesting looking car. I'm just trying to figure out the 3 abreast seating. Sounds like the driver in the middle is getting the shaft..or the stick in the you know what.

If it was you and two hot women, that would be 4 abreast seating, right?!!
Sorry to disagree but that car looks and sounds amazing. If that car ever becomes available and is under $100K, I might really look into it.
They can keep their hybrid "sports" car. I don't want a car where the batteries run out after a few hard laps.


Although the front resembles an S2000 somewhat, I really like the looks of that car.

I also read somewhere that it was less then 3000 pounds and had over 400 hp:eek: and it will probably get a Lexus badge on it here in the states...