Tower Shoppes Friday Mar 9 2012

9 September 2005
Central FL
Oscar and I were talking last week about maybe meeting up at Tower Shoppes Friday March 9. Anyone up for it?
Oscar and I were talking last week about maybe meeting up at Tower Shoppes Friday March 9. Anyone up for it?

Hahah I was going to post right, yes, AWESOME! Let's do this!

• Doug
• Oscar
• Jose
• Hugh

Pleas sign in! :)

What time? I just got a CEL on my car and may need help reading the code.
As my NSX is still wrapped in its cocoon in the barn up in Indy, can I come even though i'll have to be in my Prelude 4WS?

Hello guys
If I may, I might be able to drag my X that far if you wont mind a tired x waiting on some parts to join the fray.
would like to thank Hugh in person for the Dwight hook up.
Some start getting there around 6pm. The earliest I'll be able to get there is 7pm.

See you all then.
I'm down to meet some new NSX friends... There is nothing ever going on here in MIA.. Might as well take a drive up there. I'm Jorge for those of you that don't know me.
For those of you that have not attended a Friday night cruise at Tower Shoppes, it's easy:

Southeast corner of University Drive and I-595. Best to go in the main shopping center entrance a few hundred yards south of I-595.

Once you go in that entrance, the cruise is to the left. The NSX'ers usually congregate a few rows behind the Arby's, in the row next to where the Corvettes usually park. Don't park with the Vettes. Reason is painfully obvious: avoiding those remarks about how our cars are Corvettes. :biggrin::biggrin:

There is a nominal fee to park in the show area ($2-3).
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It's on as far as I know. Myself, DocL and Nigel are meeting at the Chevron station on Atlantic Ave and Hagen Ranch Rd at 6pm just east of the Turnpike for the drive down.
Hey, my first time at this meet, it was good meeting some of you! I'm sure I missed some of the owners there, but I will for certain be at the next one, and hope to meet the rest. Good fun!
We ended up with a high of 10 - 2 black, 2 silver and the rest red.

And there was lots of interest in the cars too, I guess mostly because of the news of the new one coming and of course the now famous NSX ad running on TV. Not bad.