Tower Shoppes 9/7?

I would be up for it. I was there last Friday and had a great conversation with some of the F-car owners I was parked next to. They were all praising on how great the NSX is which was really cool.
I would be up for it. I was there last Friday and had a great conversation with some of the F-car owners I was parked next to. They were all praising on how great the NSX is which was really cool.

No one else?!?
I'm hoping to be there between 6 and 6:30.
Where? Pm me and lmk
For those of you smart enough to check the weather forecast before you came out, good call.

For those of you stupid enough to get to Tower Shoppes, hang out for a few minutes, walk over to Taco Bell (not paying attention to the clouds moving in from the west), leaving your windows down, um, not such a good idea.

I won't mention who went to Tower Shoppes tonight and did exactly that but I'll give you a hint: his initials are "Doug".

(Is that short for "Douglas"? No, it's long for "Duh".)
Kinda short notice. Hope next time is soon and bring umbrellas to cover car and yourself!
How about we make it monthly on the last Friday of the month? Therefore we can try for Sept 28th. Any takers?

Would like to come but having hand surgery the day before, so will try for following month if it becomes a regular thing.
Don't know what that is but knowing you, I'm afraid to ask! As for me, it's just Trigger Finger [look it up] :rolleyes:

I learned about CMS in my pathology course. Hugh has been suffering from Chronic Mastabatory Syndrome since he was a kid. That's also why he's never owned an automatic car. :D
Don't know, depends on outcome-- but don't plan around me.. Schedule and I'll play it by ear.
I just saw this thread. I have been out of the country on the work trip and won't be back till Oct 11. One week at home then back again for 3 more weeks away again for work. :frown:

Don't plan around me but I'll always show up when I am in town for these.
How about we make it monthly on the last Friday of the month? Therefore we can try for Sept 28th. Any takers?

I think this would be a great idea to start doing. I live 5 minutes away so I normally come by once a month. I remember 2 years ago when I first bought my car, Oscar would do a great job at planning meets at Tower Shops, Champps, and occasional runs to the keys. Would be cool to get more meets going again. In the last 2 years I have met about 25 owners in South Florida so I know with a bit of planning we could get a decent group to come out. A couple months ago we had a car meet at Gilbert's 17th Street Grill near Ft Lauderdale Beach. Large parking lot and the food/service was great. We could plan like the first Saturday of the month to meet and do drives along the beach after lunch. Thoughts?