Top Gear's new "home"??!!

30 January 2005
Colorado Springs, CO
I know a few weeks ago they showed some Top Gear episodes on Discovery channel, then nothing. However I happened to see a rerun this past weekend on the Discovery "Science" Channel. Anyone else seen it on that channel at other times? They showed the episode with the Lotus Exige and the Apache helicopter. I will have to keep an eye on that channel from now on.
NSXrunner said:
I know a few weeks ago they showed some Top Gear episodes on Discovery channel, then nothing. However I happened to see a rerun this past weekend on the Discovery "Science" Channel. Anyone else seen it on that channel at other times? They showed the episode with the Lotus Exige and the Apache helicopter. I will have to keep an eye on that channel from now on.
i'm in san jose, ca, and saw it today on the discovery science channel this morning, sun. segment i saw was on the koene... something, jag and bmw something. k-car was a nice ride.
Yup thats the one I saw as well with the Koenigseggeggeggegg thing. Apparently they think Top Gear is "science"? Wonder where the episode with the old ladies being taught how to do doughnuts in an S2K will rank? hehe :biggrin:
Any one knows if they're still airing in the UK? I've been looking in for season dvds, nothing.:frown:
We are currently being shown the 'best of' series.

Have you guy's had Top Gear USA where they re hash all the footage and then make the audience scenes specific for the US market ?? IE talking in $$'s and saying it's such a shame you can't get this model etc ??
Good point, not sure if the show is still around in the UK, their website videos hasn't been updated in ages but the articles change on some rare occasion. Plus I think I saw a magazine at Barnes and Noble called Top Gear...maybe they going into publication instead?? :confused: