Took Grandma's Camry to Mid Ohio

30 August 2005
I was scalded for passing all the novices at Mid Ohio because it was a "Porsche Club" event and their egos were bruised when they had to point the Camry by....

The guy in the 996 Turbo running in the B Group (D-novices to A- adv) should be ashamed of himself for getting passed by me in Grandma's bone stock 97 Camry with 12 year old All Season tires.

Schmuck with matching driving suit, shoes and helmet... $ 900
Set of Hoosier R6s ...................................................$ 1,000
"Race prepped" 944 Turbo......................................... $15,000
Having to point by a 97 stock Camry........................... $ PRICELESS

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Clanking was a coffee cup that was under the seat.
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You're following a Boxster in the video, right? Anyway, good driving.

Yea... camera mount fell off. Works great for my NSX, but wouldn't stay on the Camry's side window for some reason.

Little V6 Camry hit 117 mph on the back straight. :)
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LOL. That was wonderful. The best part is the "clank" of a coffee cup.

this proves that the best mod is the nut behind the wheel.
No love from the Porsche guys, huh? I saw at least 3 chances for the point by and you got nothing.

I happen to like my matching suit and my Hoosiers. And if you come near me in that Camry and I'm puttin' you in the wall. But that's not to say I won't go fishin' with ya.
I'm appalled. How could you treat grannies car like that? I bet you also chipped her favorite kitty cat coffee mug. Shame on you!! You're probably also one of those punks who does donuts in the parking lot late at night with your pimple faced friends. Put the hotrod back in the carport and do your homework.

Btw, nice driving. :smile:
Looks like it's time to buy Grandma a new set of tires.:wink:
"For sale: 1997 Camry V6. Pristine condition. One owner. New brakes and tires. Driven to church and back by grandma"
Very nice. Maybe you and John@Microsoft can include this as a bonus disc with the next installment of HPDE killz.

PCA must be an easy mark.

Where I live, the PCA (graciously) invited some of us SCCA folks to come and run their autocross events, but after the first couple of events, they started dividing the results into "Porsche" and "Everybody else" so they could have a Porshce winner, and a non-porsche (usually over-all) winner :rolleyes

One couple brings an old RSR and can drive it, they are fast. Most of the others look like they're trying not to spill their latte'.