Too much video fun here - better have Broadband!

16 July 2002
Bay Area CA
I was looking for the Motorcycle Shenanigans vid that Lud posted link to a while back & the original host site is no-more. So while searching for the vid via Google, came across this gem - a whole bunch of moto vids, looks to be a couple of hundred or so - should keep you amused for a while!! (The "m/c shenanigans" is the moto1-320.wmv file.)
If you find a good one, share the file-name - there's really too many to get through them all.
Have Fun!!!
holly cow... i don't think most cable providers give enough bandwidth in their plans to even get half of this stuff!!!

(don't see any nsx vid'z!!!
Loads of stuff here... unfortunately, a lot of it is motorbikes!

But some files i think are worth looking include:

Car Getting Anihilated At An Intersection.mpeg
slappercrash.mpeg (reaches 391km!!!)

...and for dial-up users... ;-)
Clip18crash.mpeg (800KB)
r1_flip.avi (630KB)

The best i've seen so far out have to be this file...
twobikerscrashtogether.mpeg (3.8MB)

...some of the breakdancing movies are cool too.
hehehe... yeah... the kid kicked is funny too, but i only posted car-related videos... here's some more i've looked at:

Some that also give a laugh but mostly make you cringe:
- stangracer.mpeg
- bike_race_crash-n-burn_russell_1.mpeg
- Car Getting Anihilated At An Intersection.mpeg
- Clip18crash.mpeg (funny; only 768K)
- corvette-crash.mpeg
- Edmund-TrackCrash-90sec.wmv (long but worth watching! shocking!)
- Isle_of_Man99-death-wobble.mpa

The corvette crash is from TV; the guy crashes into a truck at 165mph, no seatbelt... the car disintegrates but and the guy is UNHURT! far out!

If the Matrix is real, then the NSX is just a figment of your imagination.