Today's Media

19 December 2001
lee's summit mo 64064
One of the things I most enjoy about this forum is the number of members who have great perspectives and the willingness to discuss current events/issues.

Is anyone else here increasingly disturbed by current media broadcasts---both news and tv?

As a father of two little kids i cant believe the amount of adult content in prime time. Even the shows that portray families seem to use dysfunction as the vehicle for humor.

Reality TV shows seem to be accepted as 'reality'.

Advertising is increasingly dummed down and slummed down. Seems only a matter of time before we have 'dancing cartoon penises' celebrating their freedom from erectile dysfunction.

News has become hype. Im aware of one example where a prominent financial news provider reported fictitious information that manipulated the stock of a major company. The article was already written and the news provider was uninterested in all sides of the story.

The level of violence in movies has become insane, and many parents seem to be immune. Several months ago my wife and I sat through the third "Lord of the Rings". Next to us were a couple. Five minutes into the movie we noticed they had a three yr old with them. 30 minutes into the movie we couldnt stand it anymore. The child seemed terrorized. I finally asked if the little girl should be watching this. The mother abruptly said "she is just fine". The girls whimpering suggested otherwise.

More can be said, but what do YOU think?
huckster said:
Next to us were a couple. Five minutes into the movie we noticed they had a three yr old with them. 30 minutes into the movie we couldnt stand it anymore. The child seemed terrorized. I finally asked if the little girl should be watching this. The mother abruptly said "she is just fine". The girls whimpering suggested otherwise.

Being a father myself of a 3 yr. old boy, this is very disturbing. Being a boy, he is obvious more interested in swords, bugs, guns (he calls them POW-POW's), etc. We (my wife and I) don't let him watch violent stuff, but he somehow naturally came up with POW-POW's one day. We both look at each other and ask, where did he learn that? I told her "It's a boy thing".

I can't imagine taking him to any movie that is not "G" rated. I have noticed his imagination growing more and more each day and along with that, his fear of "the boogy man" in his closet or outside. This poor little girl has images in her mind now of things she only can believe is real and very horriable.

One of the things I try to do in being a parent is to come down to my childs level. Try to look at the world in their eyes, try to hear with their ears and you will be amazed at how much is TOO much for a young child. Yes, they will learn and be introduced to "things" but in due time and at an age acceptable.

Another thing that really gets me upset is still seeing children riding in a car with no seatbelt or child seat, or god for bid in the mothers lap. :mad:

Parenting is no easy job, and yes I feel that in the short three years that I've been a father I have made a mistake or two, but taking a child to an "R" movie is just soooo wrong.

Their is no "Special Potion" that can be sprinkled on idiots so they can't reproduce, if their was the population will be reduced considerably!
I am in absolute agrreement with you huckster. As a teacher I have watched as social morals have eroded over the years. And as a new step-father I find myself a little more aware of it as it applies to my responsibilities of my kids' movie/TV viewing. We have eliminated some shows from their TV viewing altogether, like the Spike channel for instance. Ever see Extreme Eliminations? Every comment on that show is sexual in nature!
I am not sure I can agree here: I watched tons of japanese cartoon since when I was a 5 yr child (all Go Nagai production, Fist of the North Star, ... kind of violent and bloody stuff) and I playedlots of videogames since I was 7. All kind of them... but I loved shoot-em-up and beat-em-up. Of course I moved on first person shooters as soon as they were invented with Wolfestein 3D (1992?) and so on...

At that time politically correcteness was not an issue, at least here in Europe. And you know what? I cannot say I am any more voiolent or disturbed than all teh people I know.

Sometime I think we overreact when it is about our children. As usual just my opinion of course. :)
im not sure cartoons are what we are talking about. Children recognize the difference between reality and cartoon at a much younger age than movies or depictions of reality.

Having said that, we dont allow our children to watch most cartoons either.

Where i see our societal standards really declining is how we allow (almost impossible to prevent) our children between 6-14 yrs view adult issues in all media forms. I'm sure by the time my boy is five, I'll be asked about 'erectile dysfunction'. The so-called family shows use humor about 'beatings' and 'getting hurt'. Adult targeted primetime has making out, bedroom scenes, adolescences debating and using drugs and sex. Profanity is probably lowest on the list, but even those standards have relaxed. On usa channel the other day an edited movie left in a** and sh**.

I think its interesting how this issue has been turned into a 'chicken or the egg' question. Society seems to say "well our children experience these questions with peers and at school" so we cant/shouldnt avoid or ignore. I'm a firm believer that "what we focus on is what we get", and the attention focused on a daily basis is misplaced. All children crave attention and the sure way to get it in our society is to be violent, promiscuous, profane, and abuse substances. As adults, I think WE are the chicken, and the problems are the eggs we've laid.
I believe the level of violence on TV today does absolute injustices to parenting and all morals and ethics parenting tries so hard to instill.
While censorship and editing will never replace good old fashion parenting, it seems to me it's what most Americans are calling for.
The very idea of seeing a nipple or breast on TV is unconscionable, but its ok to show hand to hand combat, sword fighting, bullies, gun fights, and senseless acts of random violence for nothing more than the humor value.
As we all know the above for mentioned circumstances occur everyday, so of course we should let our children freely watch that! Dont try to tell them that doesn’t happen every day! Why just the other day I was in the store and there was a gun fight going on right next to me. I finally had to ask them to take it somewhere else so I could shop in peace. Never mind how disturbing it is trying to watch a movie in a theater and someone pulls the fire alarm to create a diversion so he can escape the hit men after him.
I honestly believe that a collective reality check has been written by all of Hollywood and it BOUNCED!
So there was no gun fight in the store the other day, and no one has ever triggered a fire alarm to escape certain death. But you know what did happen the other day???
I was in the bathroom getting ready for my day and I saw breasts!!!
Call the police - large warm comfortable pillow like objects are attacking my body!
These cant exist, I haven’t seen them on TV! (No one on TV seems to have them - real one anyhow)
It might give my husband idea should he ever see! Better hide them so no one notices!
It seems to me it looked familiar though....
Where have I seen those before?!?!?!?
Oh I know!
I've seen the same things everyday of my life since I was 9 years old!

Its a sad commentary when unnatural violence is the accepted norm and the basic fundamentals of life are denied, withheld, and shamed into retreat.
Soon it will be illegal for fathers to change diapers and bathe their kids (BOYS AND GIRLS) after the age of three.

One battle at a time:
Crime and certainly violent crime is statistically down 23% from the 80's.
Depict that on TV!
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As a father of two children under 5, I am appalled by what's on the TV and radio.

NSX~Kleine, I am not entirely sure what you were trying to say there.... I think you're saying that we spend too much effort censoring mild nudity while we allow extreme violence to be shown. I agree with you on that basic premise. However I am not calling for censorship at every turn, but should I be keeping the TV off all hours of the day because I'm too prudish to let my kids see people get shot at 3 in the afternoon?

I recall one morning flipping on the CBC (the Canadian government's twisted version of a television network) at 8AM on a Saturday morning and it was a documentary about a drug-abusing hooker. F-this, F-that, F-you. No editing. 8:00 AM on a Saturday! When I complained, the CBC response was "this was a hard-hitting documentary about blah blah blah" and they were too inept or incompetent to understand that KIDS watch TV on Saturday mornings!

I am not trying to shield my kids from seeing a woman's breast. But you have to have a line between what is nature/biology and what is appropriate to splatter all over TV. You can be damn sure I don't want to see some guy groping that woman's breasts, just because that's human sexuality. But when the radio stations broadcast ads regularly for the "Saturday Night Sex Party" at a local bar ("go as your favorite fetish!") or "A$$ Thursdays", don't try and tell me this doesn't send a message to kids about what it means to be an adult! How in the heck do you teach kids to respect other human beings and how real, loving relationships are important when they get bombarded by this crap at every turn?? Parents have a responsibility to monitor what their children watch but this only works up to, what, 6 or 7? After that it is out there, they WILL be exposed to it.

The word "a$$" is all over the radio and TV. I know it is just a word but it undermines my attempt at teaching our kids proper respect and decorum. Are you OK with your 4-year old using that kind of language? And if so, what else are you OK with?!?

I'm frustrated but happy at the chance vent. [/soapbox]
I whole heartedly agree. I was trying more than anything to make a point regarding the extremes in which there is a strong opposition to mild and natural human nature.
Without children of our own yet I must draw on my experience as a Nanny, having raised 3 boys for 4 years and 1 girl for 2 years. All TV was banned, and only children’s videos were allowed. I remember the day the Long King came out. I was horrified that Disney would portray the death of Simba's father so violently! I DID NOT want the kids watching that!
Of course I lost and the parents thought it was fine. (Ex-military parents if that had anything to do with it)
Even the cartoons aren’t safe:
When working at the Salvation Army day care center in 95 I remember SEVERAL occasion where certain little boys would literally beat up other children because they were playing "power rangers"
I dont agree with sex as a media agent to sell gum, or anything else. What does sex have to do with it!
The only thing I can control on my TV is the on off button.
I cant control the language they hear outside either, but when they do learn a new word it is made clear it is not OK for them to use it, nor is it ok for us as parents to use it.
At least with Sh*t and a$$ vocabulary, its realistic it in that, I hear it occasionally in the mall, or in line somewhere. I'm prepared to deal with that, and no, I dont agree with its use.
I'd rather have my kids suspended for immproper language than for physicaly beating up another child.

CokerRat said:
Are you OK with your 4-year old using that kind of language? And if so, what else are you OK with?!?

I'm frustrated but happy at the chance vent. [/soapbox]
well, i kinda agree with the disintegration of our language thing. Of course violence is the first thing to censor as a parent, and inappropriate language is everywhere.

BUT, you watch primetime tv and the language is usually being used to put someone down, intending to offend someone else, or as a precursor to violence.

So yeah, i actually see the language issue as closely tied to the violence.
I just want to say thanks to Huckster.
It seems there was a need for a great topic like this to have been brought up.

It gave people a chance to vent.
(maybe some people to much so, he he - sorry - my over indulgence :D)

You're right though, media leaves a lot to be desired.

Thanks for bringing out the soapbox.:)
Don't watch any of the network news, no TV is on at our house at all during evening hours when kids are around and its very peaceful. You have to be very selective w/7 & 9 year olds so its better to turn it off. Of course speed TV is the most watched by me in addition to some espn, TLC, Discovery & History. Wife likes the chick stuff at times, but my kids have expressed no real liking to anything on the tube.

In short, the media sucks and the hollywood crowd is lost in space.

If I were a worth a lot of money, I would start a cable company letting the viewer select more specific viewing to there liking. The cable packages offer alot of what I don't watch. Take it or leave it!
Tom Larkins said:
Of course speed TV is the most watched...

I agree with a lot of what's posted. My kids don't even watch Nickolodean as I think the Rug Rats and some of the other shows are terrible role models for kids (teach them to be mean to siblings, "potty" talk, etc.

I have a 5 1/2 year old I was going to watch Speed Racer with. We sat down in the very early AM to watch it (comes on at 6 CST here). Although the shows were a little less politically correct and more violent then I would have cared for - the commercials were horrible. Even for a kids cartoon at that time of the morning SpeedVision has commercials for chat lines, other R movies, etc. Definitely couldn't watch it with the kids and I started noticing the other commercials weren't much better during other "normal" hours. This holds true for NFL football as well so it isn't just SpeedVision.

You really can't keep your kids away from this stuff forever and the most important thing is to postpone exposure, limit exposure, communicate often, and #1 is practice what you preach.

There is an old quote that goes something like "the path my children walked was the path I tried hardest to cover up" or something like that.

Good luck to all the parents out there - I am still wiped out from the weekend and it is Monday night now!
getting back to the news thing, if you are ever in the middle of a 'big' event, it can open your eyes to the inaccuracies of some reporting.

When the mississippi flooded back in 93, I lived in Quincy IL. About a week into it, national news started reporting that Quincy was about to be flooded. The punch line is that Quincy sits about 100 ft up a cliff!! That might be forgiven, as a handful of small businesses and some grain elevators were down at river level (20 ft above actually). The levees were across from quincy and that was were the flooding was obviously going to happen.

But then they reported that the Water tower/water supply was about to be flooded!! 40ft above the water line!! Again up high on the cliff!!

It was obvious that some reports were just made up as they went. At the very least, there was no checking of 'sources' of information.