To tint or not to tint . . . the rear window?

29 March 2015
I generally tint the rear window of my cars (in addition to the side windows). With the NSX, I will tint the side windows but I am leaning towards not tinting the rear hatch window so as to not obscure the view of the engine (even though it is not the best looking engine view). On the other hand, I think it may make sense to tint the rear window separating the cabin from the engine bay.

I tinted the four front windows at 45%, my tint guy and I were concerned about the excessive engine heat...JM2C..I could be wrong.
I tinted the sides 20% and the rear hatch 35%. Reason being is that I want to be able to see out the back at night a little easier as I'm getting older. I did 20% all around on my Gen1 and didn't have the engine cover on for 14 years. There was never an issue with the tint from the heat given off by the engine.
Cool. I’m considering 35 for the windows. I usually do 20 all around but I’m also getting older, :( and thinking 35 is better for nighttime. And probably not doing the rear since it shouldn’t keep the cabin cooler and I like to look at the engine too!
Cool. I’m considering 35 for the windows. I usually do 20 all around but I’m also getting older, :( and thinking 35 is better for nighttime. And probably not doing the rear since it shouldn’t keep the cabin cooler and I like to look at the engine too!

You can still see the engine with the 35%. I have the Orchid interior so 20% is perfect. If I had a black interior I'd probably go lighter on the sides. Nighttime vision has definitely gotten worse for me over the years. ;)