To Teddy and Chris from TWS weekend

26 September 2003
Since I don't know your screen names, I had to post like this.

Teddy - Where did you get your camera mount and is it mounted to your cage or to a place that I can mount to in my car?

Chris - I know you mentioned that you would be out there again in December but I was hoping to get the alignment spec recommendations from you. PM it to me

Again, I said it in the other TWS thread, it was definitely nice to meet the two of you and ya were very helpful.

And in case you missed it Teddy, upload that video onto Youtube so you can share it with the rest of the community. And great driving on your part too!

Glad you had fun.

Teddy goes by Counter on prime and chris - well he rarely ever posts, he is busy trying to get his NSX working.:biggrin:
Sorry for not posting sooner. Matt, I tried to reply to your email, but it bounced. I have made a video of the entire ride - looks good, but it is about 20 minutes long and 225mb. I guess I need to do something to make it more smaller or internet friendly. Any suggestions would be great. I hate to cut it down to one or two laps. It was really a great weekend. Will you be back at TWS next month? I can bring a copy on DVD if you are.
Counter said:
Sorry for not posting sooner. Matt, I tried to reply to your email, but it bounced. I have made a video of the entire ride - looks good, but it is about 20 minutes long and 225mb. I guess I need to do something to make it more smaller or internet friendly. Any suggestions would be great. I hate to cut it down to one or two laps. It was really a great weekend. Will you be back at TWS next month? I can bring a copy on DVD if you are.

I am in for Dec 9-10 Teddy. I would love to have that DVD. See you there.

It was awesome to see the video. I've been sharing it with my friends to try and get them into tracking their cars. Of course, I do include the disclaimer that I wasn't driving and do give you props on your driving abilities. Everyone kept asking me "how come the cameraman couldn't keep up?" but I told them he wasn't FI'd.

I can't wait to see the whole video. And by seeing this and other videos, I just bought a harness mount from SoS and will be adding a camera mount for my next time out. Biobanker told me what pieces I would need to buy in order to do this but I would be interested in hearing what you did for your mount. I am assuming you mounted yours on the harness bar too.

Haha I love that silver NSX. It looks like getting passed by a Z06 instantly makes you 2 seconds a lap faster.
You are correct. I have my camera mount attached to my harness bar. I think it is a bit high (mirror in the way) but you don't get a lot of choice in a NSX.

As for keeping up, they are better drivers and as you know, both cars are pushing at least an extra 100hp than mine!

I will try again next time. Less brakes, more throttle!!