To car cover or not to car cover...... that is the question?

It gets cold in the don't want it too catch cold do ya?

  • 1997 NSX-T
  • 1983 El Camino
  • 1972 VW Bug
I use a car cover because it makes me, not the car, feel really good. Just looking at it all covered on a cold morning when I'm getting into my daily driver to go to work, is worth the cost of the cover and the trouble or putting it on. It also keeps the dust off the car and protects it from accidental scratches and the like.

If you drive the car every day a cover is more trouble than it's worth and I would suggest - don't use it. If you let your car go for weeks sitting in the garage - like I do - then get a cover and use it.

I always cover my car after washing it and thoroughly drying it after a weekend drive.
Maybe this is a bit anal, but I cover my car when she is in the garage. Also, when I used to use my car as a daily driver to work. A few people said that they never actually saw my car since it was always covered. Keep her covered. I can't see a reason why you shouldn't cover your pride and joy.
Originally posted by 1HOT NSX:
If you drive the car every day a cover is more trouble than it's worth and I would suggest - don't use it. If you let your car go for weeks sitting in the garage - like I do - then get a cover and use it.

If you have a black NSX and there is ANY dirt or dust on the car before you cover it, you will see scratchs in the clear coat. I only cover my car if I have to park under a tree that drips or in the direct sun. I find washing the dirt and dust off is better than covering a less than perfectly clean car.
since my dad uses the garage which is kind of tight i keep my car covered at all times because he carries his keys attached to the side of his hip and does not think about side stepping to get past my car .
ditto--and until i get a four car garage, im covering her. my wife and kids are an nsx accident waiting to happen. come to think of it---i need a four car garage anyway. but i'll still cover it. too much dust and tooo little time.
I rarely cover mine in the garage, but when I drive it to work (which is a lot), I always cover it. On a hot Sacramento day, the car is so much cooler inside when it is covered vs. not, which equates to long life for the leather and vinyl as well as my skin on the same when I get in. I never consider it too much work to put my portable garage on it when it's going to be parked for 9+ hours outside.

If you want to use a cover while in the garage, it doesn't hurt to overprotect your baby.
I take a slightly different approach when driving my car. Unless the car is clean enought to cover it, I don't drive it. Here is my theory:

1. The cover deters theves because it takes effort to uncover the car and the steal it, or its contents. My assumption is that theves are lazy.

2. The cover prevents people from keying my car or vadalizing in general. Once again those who do these things are probably not the most meticulous people so why key my car when there is probably another nice car they can key and NOT have to remove the cover.

3. The cover prevents *minor* dings. I mean minor. It gives an extra layer of protection when people open their door and let it rest on your door while not actually making a heavy impact.

4. The save the interior thing the other person mentioned.

5. Two words: Bird Crap.

6. Another two words: Tree Sap.

None of this answers your question though, ....but really,.... it does. There is a TON of dust in most people's garage. If you leave your car in the garage for a week uncovered and then go and cover your car when you are out and about, you will impart scratches on you paint. Covering it in your garage just allows you to cover your car when you are out.

I have a bunch more reasons but I don't want you to think I am as anal as most of my Sacramento Club members already do.

Long post, simple answer,.... Can you tell I really don't want to be at work?