I just bought a new set of tires and wheels and I have one issue/question on one tire. The schrader valve on one of the tires seems too recessed to be functional. I can't check the tire pressure and I can fill the tire because the pin is down so far, that nothing reaches it. I can push the pin in to let air out and the other tires are fine. But on standard tools (pressure checker, tire air filler attachment) they small nub on the inside used to press in the pin in not long enough to reach the pin. If I were to dremmel down the threads I'm sure I could cut enough material so the pin would be closer to edge and be accessed, but I'm not thrilled with this idea. Looking directly head on at the pin, it appears there is a set of inner threads on the valve and a it's like the pin is supported by a cross member. It's like if I were able to rotate this member, it would seem I could raise or lower the position of the pin. These are the nicer valve stems made of metal and not the cheap rubber ones on standard tires that don't seem to have such adjustment. Is there some sort of tool to adjust the pin? Does anybody who knows tires know anything about how to fix this problem?? Thanks in advance!!