timingbelt kit

31 May 2003
south america
hi guys, i need to replace timing belt. where can i get a good deal on timing belt and related parts (waterpump, gaskets, everything needed to do a good job).
I've seen MANY NSX's that were put back together out of time due to lack of experience from an NSX tech. PLEASE make sure the person working on your car has experience with t-belts on NSX's. They are EASY to get out of time. BTW, I do travel from time to time. (shameless plug).
If your car doesn't sound/run/feel right after your t-belt has been replaced, there's a 99% chance it's out of time.
Barn Man.....
zx_sr said:
i just need to know what parts to get and where. i can do the job. i have a freightforwarder in miami where the parts must be send to.

Let's start a list:

1) Timing Belt
2) Water Pump
3) New-style lower t-belt cover (optional)
4) t-belt cover gaskets (front, rear, lower?)
5) water pump bolts (optional-but the manual says replace)
6) oil cooler figure 8 o-ring
7) front/rear valve cover gaskets and doughnuts (optional)
8) anti-freeze coolant
9) crankshaft idler pulley tool thing
10) LarryB's rail pins

The above list is from memory as I don't have a service manual nearby. I'm sure LarryB will chime in here...


First thing is do heed the warnings. But that does not mean do not do it. Just use caution and take your time.

In regard to the parts list:

1 14400-PR7-A01 Timing Belt
1 38920-PR7-A01 A/C Belt
1 31110-PR7-A01 Alternator Belt
1 91318-PY3-000 Oil Pedestal Gasket "8"
2 12341-PR7-A01 VC Gasket
6 12343-PR7-A00 SP Gasket
1 19200-PR7-A03 Water Pump
1 11816-PR7-000 T/Cover Grommet
1 14510-PR7-A01 Belt Tensioner
1 14516-PR7-A01 Tensioner Spring
1 11540-PL2-004 Oil Filter (Oh, That's the REAL number, do not let them sell you a Legend filter!!)
12 90442-PR7-A00 Washer, Head Cover
2 90401-634-000 O-Ring (Timing bolt adjustment seal. This always gets damaged, and very inexpensive.)

4) t-belt cover gaskets (front, rear, lower?) (Also optional, these are not really sealing oil , just water and road grime)
5) water pump bolts (optional-but the manual says replace) (I use Hondabond after a little cleaning and reuse.)
8) anti-freeze coolant
9) crankshaft pulley tool thing (At 181 ft.lbs. This nut is a b$%ch, you will need something to get it off and tight again).
10) LarryB's rail pins (They help, as well as BIG paper clips, the black ones to hold the t-belt on each pulley)

11) BarnMan, Tequila, (optional :)), mmm... I always wanted to go to South America:D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As far as where to get the parts, go to www.hondacuraworld.com and speak to Tim Poliniak. Typically he does not do orders outside the US, but maybe you can work something out.

Yes, as Bruce mentions below, Dali has a kit that is combined with a 60K serice kit, make sure you compare the parts list. Other sources with NSXCA discounts are Neillo Acura (CA) and Goodson Acura (TX).

One other thing to consider since you will drain to coolant for this is to inspect and preplace any older coolant hoses. There are 22 total. (Dali also has this as a kit) You can review a few other threads hear by doing a search on "replacement hoses" and /or "coolant hoses" for details. Maybe the "Forums Nazi" will pop up and provide the links :).

Let us know if you have any questions.

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thanks for the help so far guys. for my '90 nissan 300 zxtt some dealers sell t.beltkits which contain everything you'll need. i was wandering if there were acura dealers who put together such a kit also. i'll try dali also. i just don't want to start the job and run out of parts. that means ordering from the states and at least two weeks delay. i want to finish the job in one day.....
Something else to remember. IMO, the vavle cover gaskets are not an option UNLESS, they have been replaced very recently. I would rather replace them once than twice.
The lower timing cover can be drilled out to accept the new style water pump. Thus saving 140 bucks or so. I have made a template to do just this. Then I just put a little Hondabond around the outside of the snout to seal up the hole in the cover.
Unless the gaskets on the timing covers themselves are stretched from being soaked with oil, I reuse them. When I take them off, I put a little Hondabond on the seals that are trying to come off. By the time you go back together with it, they are held in place nicely and ready to go back on. These tips save around 200-250. Always replace the spark plug seals as well as the figure 8 oring under the oil cooler. I can't stand an NSX with oil on the engine!
So....Here's a list from me.
Water pump
Spark plug seals
Figure 8 oring.
Engine belts. (alt-a/c)
3 gal of coolant
Valve cover gaskets
And, while your in there adjust the valves!
Barn Man...
Larry Bastanza said:
One other thing to consider since you will drain to coolant for this is to inspect and preplace any older coolant hoses. There are 22 total. (Dali also has this as a kit) You can review a few other threads hear by doing a search on "replacement hoses" and /or "coolant hoses" for details. Maybe the "Forums Nazi" will pop up and provide the links :).

There was a post in the Technical-DIY Forum which listed all the hoses with part numbers, but it was not converted when we switched software here. :(
PettittsAuto said:
I thought Dali Racing had a kit that he put together for the timing belt replacement. I could be wrong but i would check his website. www.daliracing.com

that is correct.i just had one from him to to my car.i am based in the uk,so i was a bit worried that some of the parts would be a different spec,but they all fitted with no problems.in my opinion it is very good value for money
Larry Bastanza said:

1 11540-PL2-004 Oil Filter (Oh, That's the REAL number, do not let them sell you a Legend filter!!)

OK, now that it has been brought up, what are the negative repercussions of using the Legend oil filter? I guess there is a size (capacity) difference, but what are the risks?

Also, what are some other things/mods that might as well take place when doing the timing belt?