Time to sell the nsx...

30 November 2002
....if it wasn't technically my dads...haha

I stumble upon this when I was looking at paintball stuff on ebay. I figured I'd share this miracle! :eek:

Assuming it's the Cavalier LS sport with only 1 mile, leather, OnStar, and in excellent condition, this is only $12665 over KBB private party!

You'd be a fool not to invest in this! :rolleyes:
That is one of most ridiculous things I have ever seen. And the frame around the picture and description is really cheesy. If it was the miracle ford tempo I would believe it, but cavalier, no way.
Yes, it's a miracle that this moron doesn't realize that the pattern on the hood likely matches the hood framework on the underside.
Too many grilled cheese sandwiches being bought for mucho money on ebay. This guy is jumping on the band wagon. Now if it were a potato chip that looked like Abe Lincoln, I'd be bidding in a second!
What is the miracle supposed to be?? I do not see anything that looks like a miracle... :confused:
I think I see Elvis in that pattern...no wait...Bigfoo...no....Jesu....no.
You know what, its a Cavalier...if someone actually pays the guy 25k for it, thats the miracle. :biggrin:

caseycarson said:
How do people find these strange ebay listings?

I wonder that sometimes too about just really weird auctions. I was looking for a paintball gun called the "Angel" when I found this. Just dumb luck, sometimes it's fun to search for weird things on ebay. seems like there is something new every few days