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time to change front page?

2 October 2001
I mean no disrespect, but it might be time to change the front page of NSX Prime. It's had the memorial to Len3.8 for the last couple of months now. Again, no disrespect to Len intended.
I say leave it as is for a few more months.
I set my bookmark to the forums page automatically.
I set my bookmark to the forums page automatically.

i guess that's one way to bypass it... i don't care either way...i can understand the issues from both sides of this argument
I agree it should be taken off eventually and should be placed in a section for archive access. Doesn't bother me but I know you have to move on eventually. Trust me I know.
I was think, maybe we should have a section to remember some of the guys that are no longer with us...just a thought.
Yup I second that....Make a in rememberance section for all the guys who have passed.
i totally agree with the tribute or remembrance page idea. great way to honor guys like Len3.8 who undoubtably has touched many people on this forum. i hope that this page with tributes will be the shortest page on this forum tho, hate to see us lose members that way...here's to the health of every member on this forum <cheers>!
When the powers that be decide to change the front page, I would suggest a pitch for NSXpo 2007. Jeff
It's hard for me to look at the front page, especially because i took the picture about 5 years ago. I pm'd LUD almost 2 months ago to change it(he said he would and he understood). It's hard on those who were close to him. But i won't pressure him, i just have forums page linked.
A home page kind of like SupraForums would be good. just a thought.
I don't mind the home page as it is. I never met Len, but everytime I come to the homepage, he helps remind me of what's important in life.
before the current page, it hadn't changed in what, 2 years? what's the hurry to get it changed again? :).

as others, i link directly to the forums. i never see the main page.
Is it too hard to just have a "General" Cool NSX homepage? Can we have a "In Memoriam" section that is just a regular part of the forums, and we can add Len's info and others into it as well? I'm not trying to be crummy, just thought it would be a nice way to keep this stuff forever, without putting it in everyones face everyday.