Tickets - do they transfer when you move?


Legendary Member
23 April 2003
So I have had several speeding tickets over the past 12 years with my current license. My insurance company does not know that, simply for a lack of checking. I am curious how much higher my insurance will be IF I move to another state.

What offenses transfer? Current, just those in the window that the state tracks them, all historical, none, etc? Any way to minimize the damage?
All of the insurance companies that I have dealt with before only pays attention to offenses in the last 3 years. When you transfer your license, mostlikely your offenses will transfer over also, but again, only the offenses in the last 3 years will count. You should check the DMV website of the state that you are moving to to figure out how it exactly works. Most of the rules seem to be the same but the details differ state to state.

I have checked the DMV sites of both states, but still have some hypothetical questions.

Example #1
If I got a ticket that is worth 3 points in TN while living in TN, but move somewhere it is worth 4 points... then what?

Example #2:
Assuming I got a ticket 18 months ago, it no longer counts towards points in TN after a year. Other places, it can count full points for 1 year, 1/2 points for the next year. Which law governs?

Example #3:
Lets say I get a ticket for 26 mph over the speed limit. If the place I am moving says that 25mph and over is reckless, does that retroactively become reckless driving?

What are my odds of offenses transferring at all?
1. Mostlikely you'll get 4 points.

2. My guess is it is the state that you move to that governs because although you may not have any more points in TN, you'll still have the offense on the record, unless TN erases the offense from the record at the same time as when they pull the points.

3. In VA, you can get 20+mph ticket without getting reckless. If your ticket was not tagged as "reckless" then I doubt it'll be marked as reckless in the new state.

The offenses will transfer.

These are what you'd get if you were moving to VA. I'm just making an educated guess from what I can gather from what I read. You should call the DMV of the state that you are moving to to be 100% sure.
Keep in mind that insurance companies and states have different rules. Just because a ticket is taken off your record in the state you are in, does not mean the insurance company erases it also.

Points, since they are also state-specific, don't have a direct bearing on your insurance rates. I believe insurance companies make up their own rules on how each ticket affects your rates.