Ticket Trip from Hell

19 December 2001
lee's summit mo 64064
Here's the story; gonna drive 350miles to see the inlaws and a couple of my relatives. have a two yr old and a three month old, so we know its gonna be rough.

Leave at 4:30am thursday and arrive at 11Am. uneventful, though got clocked going 10over they didnt really want me, thankfully. not too much screaming, only 45minutes worth, thankfully.

Trip back friday. Leave at 11am. screaming starts at 11:15am. Lasts through 45minute drive, and 30minutes worth of lunch. asleep at 1pm. Awake at 1:30pm when get pulled over. trooper is very apologetic(probably the screaming), and explains that he is writing a ticket for the 'air' police. they did the mathematical timing from a plane, said i was 17mph over.

after a 4hr stopover at my relatives, hit the road at 8pm. At 10:30pm get pulled over. One of my headlights has burned out. Issues a ticket for expired registration. Screaming starts. At 11:15pm left front tire unexpectedly blows out. No accident, thankfully. No screaming thankfully. No police to be found, unthankfully. At midnight tire change complete. Didnt get hit by the two thousand semi's that passed by three feet away at 80mph, thankfully. One mile up the road, police found, unthankfully.

Need new tire, new rim, new registration. Need old lawyer.

Do you think I can get off on the 'air timed' ticket?

Happy thanksgiving, from a really thankful giving guy.
Glad you made it through this safely. I am reminded of a time I had a blowout in New Jersey coming back from Virginia during one of the worst snow storms of the year two years ago. Pulled over in six inches of slush and every car that zoomed by at 80mph drenched me in ice water. I was soaked and so cold my hands wouldn't work. A state trooper had pulled in behind me and shined his light on me so at least I could see what I was doing. When he saw how much I was struggling, he finally got out of his car and helped me change the tire, getting himself soaked in the process. I was really grateful for his help.
Sorry to hear about it, huckster.

Originally posted by huckster:
Issues a ticket for expired registration.

That one should be easy to get off. Renew your registration and bring the receipt to court.

Originally posted by huckster:
Do you think I can get off on the 'air timed' ticket?

It's the same as any other speeding ticket. Which means your chances are probably better going in with a lawyer who is familiar with the jurisdiction where the ticket will be heard.

Don't worry about the kids; give 'em another 16 years and they'll be the ones coming home with the tickets.
This is exactly why I hate to even leave my house anymore. It seems as though the authorities are writing a ton of tickets lately. Maybe it has something to do with all the money that NY has had to pay because of 9/11. There was recently a article in the local paper about a small hamlet near me struggling to survive. Local business in that district are failing. No where in the article did it mention that the hamlet is patrolled like the perimeter of a prison. I for one do not even go anywhere near there or other small towns like it with 30 mph speed limits. The police are writing tickets for 35 in a 30, I know several people that have recently received such ridiculous tickets. On Monday I HAD to stop at the store to pick something up. I traveled through the hamlet and noted a total of four police cars writing tickets and two others hiding in wait. This little town is no more than two by two miles. The business in the area are all wondering why they are failing, well I for one avoid the whole area like the plague.
Originally posted by steveny:
This is exactly why I hate to even leave my house anymore. It seems as though the authorities are writing a ton of tickets lately. Maybe it has something to do with all the money that NY has had to pay because of 9/11. There was recently a article in the local paper about a small hamlet near me struggling to survive. Local business in that district are failing. No where in the article did it mention that the hamlet is patrolled like the perimeter of a prison. I for one do not even go anywhere near there or other small towns like it with 30 mph speed limits. The police are writing tickets for 35 in a 30, I know several people that have recently received such ridiculous tickets. On Monday I HAD to stop at the store to pick something up. I traveled through the hamlet and noted a total of four police cars writing tickets and two others hiding in wait. This little town is no more than two by two miles. The business in the area are all wondering why they are failing, well I for one avoid the whole area like the plague.

i had to go to greenwood lake one day to get some work done on my car... talk about speed traps.... the same straight road went from a 50 to a 30 as you cross into there town ...and sitting right behind the first building is the local cop with radar.My friend told me they are notorious for issuing tickets for 5mph over the limit or anything else they can find.
Hate to say it but sometimes, I think we get the ticket because of the car.

Last year, I got a ticket while driving on a 2 lane road in the middle of traffic. I saw the cop driving toward me in the other lane. My radar detector never went off but he turns around and pulls me over. I ask how he got me and he states that he used radar. My radar is concealed completely so he never saw anything. I flatly told him that the his radar was never used and that I wanted to see the readout. He then proceeds to tell me that he just turned it off and if I want to contest it, come to court. This was only 200 miles away. Alot of the small town jerks are counting on you not coming back.

Originally posted by jorligan:
Hate to say it but sometimes, I think we get the ticket because of the car.

Last year, I got a ticket while driving on a 2 lane road in the middle of traffic. I saw the cop driving toward me in the other lane. My radar detector never went off but he turns around and pulls me over. I ask how he got me and he states that he used radar. My radar is concealed completely so he never saw anything. I flatly told him that the his radar was never used and that I wanted to see the readout. He then proceeds to tell me that he just turned it off and if I want to contest it, come to court. This was only 200 miles away. Alot of the small town jerks are counting on you not coming back.


So, did you go back.
You are right about them not expecting you to come back though.

I got a ticket last month on 95 South in RI. Radar had me doing "75 in a 65 zone". I am going down there on the 12th to contest it.

My defense? "If you clocked me w/radar, how come my Valentine didn't pick it up?"

Actually, I WAS on a measured mile and was looking to see how accurate things were. We'll see if it matters. Any advice welcome.....