Ticket free streak ended last night

29 March 2004
Apex, NC
coming home last night on US-1 and cop had a car already pulled over on the side of the road... naturally I am not speeding. Anyways, just as I pass both of them he pulls around the other car and pulls me over. Get this.. he pulls me over because I didn't change lanes while he had the other car pulled over. Just as he is telling me this... 5 cars pass in the same lane I was just in but i didn't say a word.. i remained polite and calm. :rolleyes: (I guess I can understand the lane change deal after watching some of those police video accidents) Anyways.. he ends up writing me a ticket for not doing an address update on my license.
Ok, so you got a ticket for doing something wrong.....big deal. You deserve it, I deserve it and everybody that breaks the law deserves a ticket. Where is my margarita?

As Mr. Wolf would say, "Gentlemen, it is for this very reason that I don't drive in North Carolina. But seriously, is there a problem that I can help you with? I didn't think so."
That is a BS reason to pull you over. Apparently they just passed that law here in Georgia and were ticketing people left and right who did not know about the law. Warnings would have been nice, but instead they were giving tickets that cost $600 bucks! Bastards. :mad:
AndyVecsey said:
Where is my margarita?
Its 8 am! :confused: Friends don't lets friends engineer things when drunk. :biggrin:
sjones said:
he ends up writing me a ticket for not doing an address update on my license.
I assume that this is not a moving violation, and thus has no effect on your driving record?

Regardless, this is the kind of offense where, if you have your address changed first, and then go to court for the ticket and show that you have updated your address, the ticket will almost certainly be dismissed.
When I first read the title I thought it said "Ticket free steak ended last night." I was kind of bummed because I thought I missed out on free meat.
White92 said:
When I first read the title I thought it said "Ticket free steak ended last night." I was kind of bummed because I thought I missed out on free meat.

If it was "free steak" Bailey would've been there, count on it!!!!!!!
Man that sucks...sorry to hear that...I hate to find out traffics laws the hard way :(

And after hearing this, I feel bad since I got out of running a stop light from a cop that pulled me over last weekend :rolleyes:
And after hearing this, I feel bad since I got out of running a stop light from a cop that pulled me over last weekend

How'd you do that? Start crying? :smile:
White92 said:
How'd you do that? Start crying? :smile:

Well, since I was towing my NSX on my truck and the light changed at the last minute, he bought off on my reasoning for running the light and told me to drive much slower than the speed limit.
I believe in Florida, the law is you don't have to change lanes but you have to be going under the speed limit and exercise due caution.

It SHOULD be the POLICE OFFICERS job to pull the person over to the LEFT side of the road so that BOTH the officer and the violator are out of harms way, but hey, what do I know.
AndyVecsey said:
Ok, so you got a ticket for doing something wrong.....big deal. You deserve it, I deserve it and everybody that breaks the law deserves a ticket. Where is my margarita?

As Mr. Wolf would say, "Gentlemen, it is for this very reason that I don't drive in North Carolina. But seriously, is there a problem that I can help you with? I didn't think so."

What else do you put in that margarita????????