Ticket for 205 MPH in a 55 MPH zone...

He must of been in the wrong part of Texas. There are some places in West Texas that you can drive for miles without seeing anything.

[This message has been edited by hejo (edited 01 October 2001).]
I, too, rolled the dice and lost....nailed at 175 in a 55 on a Mr. Turbo ZX-11. (even saved it on the screen of the gun to show me) They stopped me at a road block about 8 miles ahead also with weapons drawn. Do not pass go, do not collect $100. Fine: $1042.50 Was sort of a bad way to start a Labor Day Weekend. When we push that envelope of speed on the street, it's only a matter of time before we get caught.....only a matter of time before I'm caught again ;-)

http://www.geocities.com/motorcity/... edited by beckertb (edited 01 October 2001).
Anyone who drives that fast on a public road in the US is an idiot who deserves to have thier car impounded, their license pulled and be put in jail for a while to become someone's personal love slave while they think about how stupid they were.

Typical that it is a Corvette owner. The guy looks like he has an IQ about equal to the gas mileage his car gets.

I think as long as it's your own life you're endangering it's ok to drive 150+. I hope the guy was on a road with great visibilty and no intersecting traffic...otherwise his driving was very irresponsible. If it was the latter then I agree with erobbin whole heartedly.
Originally posted by skim83:
I think as long as it's your own life you're endangering it's ok to drive 150+....

so by your logic <150 is okay if other lives are in danger???? lets go hop in a vw bus and take it to 140 then....

I am just kidding to make a point. There are many other factors to consider when talking safety than just speed. Visibility, traffic, road conditions, car ability, driver ability, etc... to name just a few.

Under the right circumstances what this guy did could have been safe, or under the same circumstances 80 mph could have been unsafe and this guy would be an extreme moron. I tend to think the latter is probably true, but just playing the devil's advocate.

I guess I am just bored right now

[This message has been edited by justin hall (edited 02 October 2001).]