In case you haven't been there in the last couple weeks, Thunderhill has a few repaved areas and some totally new pavement inside the apex and outside the exit berm of some turns. Its great that tracks get improvements like these, but I'm a little bummed that some of the turns now allow you to drive in areas you're not supposed to with no repercussions. For example, the inside of turn 12 still has the same apex berm, but beyond that is now totally paved with blue lines painted over it and some raised reflectors about two car widths inside. If you're a bandit you can just drive right over that stuff and get awesome speed on the back straight. The outside of turn 14 is a similar deal, you can arc out beyond the exit berm, take the last turn with better entry and end up going an extra 5 mph or more at the end of the front straight. The outside of 8 is also more friendly, but I think that one was done better as it only saves you from a minor overspeed; you'll still go up the grassy hill if you're exiting way too fast. Since I was instructing and have to drive the school line, I was busy trying to catch up to people as they
cut corners in front of me, calling them CHEATERS the whole time. :tongue:
NSX content: run-off room is good as it reduces rocks getting tossed around, which chip the heck out of our low cars.
cut corners in front of me, calling them CHEATERS the whole time. :tongue:
NSX content: run-off room is good as it reduces rocks getting tossed around, which chip the heck out of our low cars.