thrust washer...danger?

13 March 2002
Clearwater FL
greets guys, I posted a couple of weeks ago about my car chirping on first gear launch and sometimes on second.sounds just like tire chirp its not.its the thrust washer in the tranny. checked it out in the manual.what I could not verify was is it a danger to my tranny or just a nuisance?my nsx tech at the dealer said leave it alone so i did take it in but i dont believe he knew for sure what the outcome of not messing with it was or if it was something to worry about.the chirp is caused I believe due to improper shimming? but not sure.if someone could look at the service manual in the tranny section I believe 13-40 page it diagrams it out and give me your impression, i would be grateful.I have not received a straight answer on this other then I am not it something i can let go for a while until new s/g or new r/p installation or needs addressed asap per could cause tranny failure like snap ring.any help greatly welcome
thanks in advance