Got the transmission apart yesterday to do the snap ring fix and noticed some odd things.
A) My transmission housing had two mainshaft thrust shims installed in was 1.067mm thick and the other was 0.620mm thick...making a total shim thickness of 1.687mm. But the manual states "Do not use more than one shim."
and B) I measured for the new thrust shim and got measurements of (A)=2.31mm and (B)=0.02mm, so using the formula in the shop manual that would mean I need a shim thickness between 1.27mm-1.34mm. But the maximum shim thickness available seems to be 1.15mm.
What I found to be my required shim thickness seems to align with why my transmission had to shims in it to begin with, but I don't like doing work that doesn't follow the service manuals guide lines.
Should I use two shims to get it between 1.27mm and 1.34mm or just use the max shim size of 1.15mm and have that little bit of extra play?
Also, I must note, that I didn't take apart the main shaft with the except of the outer bearing to get the measurements. Any help would be appreciated because I need to order my shim today, so that I can have it for next weekend.
A) My transmission housing had two mainshaft thrust shims installed in was 1.067mm thick and the other was 0.620mm thick...making a total shim thickness of 1.687mm. But the manual states "Do not use more than one shim."
and B) I measured for the new thrust shim and got measurements of (A)=2.31mm and (B)=0.02mm, so using the formula in the shop manual that would mean I need a shim thickness between 1.27mm-1.34mm. But the maximum shim thickness available seems to be 1.15mm.
What I found to be my required shim thickness seems to align with why my transmission had to shims in it to begin with, but I don't like doing work that doesn't follow the service manuals guide lines.
Should I use two shims to get it between 1.27mm and 1.34mm or just use the max shim size of 1.15mm and have that little bit of extra play?
Also, I must note, that I didn't take apart the main shaft with the except of the outer bearing to get the measurements. Any help would be appreciated because I need to order my shim today, so that I can have it for next weekend.
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