throttle position sensor


Are you speaking of the "Throttle Angle Sensor"? If so, on a '91 car, you test voltage between the Yel/wht(+) and grn/wht(-). Values should be .5v at full close and 4.8v at full open -linear between these values as throttle opens.

Hope this helps.

[This message has been edited by kpond (edited 13 July 2002).]
thanks kpond, i am guessing the throttle position sensor is the same as the throttle angle sensor, right?
as far as the readings you indicated, that's exactly what it should read. however, i am experiencing different readings. maybe i'm not testing it correctly. how exactly are you supposed to test it? i used a tester and put the red on the + and black in the - of the plug. i got a reading, but when i opened the throttle the voltage did not change. ???
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.