Thread Bumping Rules

2 January 2015
I just had a post deleted and the explanation wasn't as thorough as I would have liked. To keep myself from breaking a rule I don't know of....what is the rule for bumping threads? It isn't listed in the RULES portion of the for sale forum on this website. I'd appreciate clarification so I may not break this unknown rule again. Thanks.
30 days I believe.
That was listed in the old rules, but that has since changed. I tried to reply to the message that was sent to me, but it kept giving me an error message.
I just had a post deleted and the explanation wasn't as thorough as I would have liked. To keep myself from breaking a rule I don't know of....what is the rule for bumping threads? It isn't listed in the RULES portion of the for sale forum on this website. I'd appreciate clarification so I may not break this unknown rule again. Thanks.

As can be seen at the top of this and the market place forums:

"Replies are now allowed to other people's threads in the Marketplace section. This means the 30-day bump rule is gone; please be reasonable with bumps."

You started a thread and bumped it twice all in one week without adding any new information such as a price drop or responding to a question so that would fall under "unreasonable" (which is purely subjective since the rules are new)
There's no said spoken time which I've brought up before. People can reply at will and my largest issue is users will just bump their own thread by answering a question everyday or quote a different reply bumping their thread. It gets annoying to say the least. But there's no said rule I believe so bump away.
There's no said spoken time which I've brought up before. People can reply at will and my largest issue is users will just bump their own thread by answering a question everyday or quote a different reply bumping their thread. It gets annoying to say the least. But there's no said rule I believe so bump away.

As I pointed out above, bumps should be "reasonable" which means it is subjective and depends upon whether I am looking any particular day and how I feel. :tongue:

With that being said, the OP bumped his thread after only two days with a price drop and then again 4 days later with no new information or pricing and no inquiries in between. To me that was excessive and unreasonable but with the new rules in place I try to be fair to all and this stood out as being too many bumps in too short of a time.

Bumping to answer a question under the new rules may be done as often as necessary to answer the questions. I also try to delete posts that simply say "GLWS" or "nice ____" etc that are merely comments and not integral to the sale.
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I see. So would a bump a week be reasonable? 2 weeks? 3? A month? I am not trying to sound like a smart ass or anything. I am just a guy trying to sell a part. I don't want to break any rules here. Thank you.