
8 March 2010
Charlotte, NC

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hmmmmm. don't think I would go there. Each to their own.
First I hated, then I started to think, perhaps some modern wheels, maybe the Advans like Synths, remove those God awful stickers and ***MAYBE** maybe it's OK

I'd be a bit embarrassed to have such flamboyant color though ... but hey, is not like our cars are normal looking cars anyways! :)



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Pimpotron, the unsung Transformer??:biggrin:
Well it's different. I'm actually thinking that it may be an ok deal. I mean it's got some goodies on it that are sho nuff expensive. It only has 55k miles and it's a 96 - makes me wonder what the catch is. Other than figuring in a paint job. Somebody might like it - a bit garish for my taste but hey like Oscar says ....

I'd be looking hard for records and who did the work etc. Like some posts I've read of really bad shops doing crap work and folks getting super burned and engines blowing etc. Not good - makes one wonder why someone would spend that kind of money and then sell - I smell a rat here.
Think this is a car you have to see in person to really appreciate the paint job, good or bad. I'd sure like to see the paperwork on all the goodies on the car and maintenance and who worked on the car. Price wise, tend to think this may be a good deal...but have to watch my P's And Q's on price as Honda may get "Hot" over providing an opinion on NSX car prices :smile::smile::wink:
I think that car was used as a model for a Hot Wheels or Matchbox toy, hence the loud paint.