Thoughts on this little addition?

12 May 2011
Wilton, CT
I can't debate if I like the sticker I added. Sorry for the crappy iPhone pic, it's in the upper left hand corner:

I don't like stickers on cars in general, never put one on any of my past cars before. However, I'm a huge Senna fan and given his involvement with the development of our cars, I thought I'd pay homage to him by representing his helmet on my car. Also, it's predominately yellow which matches the car :cool:.

It's vinyl so it's super easy to take off and I put in a place where it doesn't block my rear field of vision and isn't too conspicuous. Thoughts?
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That's nice and subtle, no worries.

Here's the decal we put on our purple NSX's console........and people have been quite positive about it.

<a href=""><img src="" height="480" width="640" /></a>
Here are mine:

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I'm not much for stickers, either. Even in the old days when I had cars I would show and "sponsor" stickers got you points, I would mount them on the door sill and on the underside of the hood. But I like the helmet sticker a lot. Of those shown so far it's my favorite Senna tribute. Nice and subtle.

If it was on my car I would have mounted it on the inside glass (between the engine bay and passenger compartment) just like you did (I think...kind of hard to tell in that pic.)
I like the Senna helmet. I have SENNA plates. Clearly it takes an Aryton Senna fan to understand, and clearly there are none in my city. But I'm very ok with that. Most of this generation don't know him. This shows my age of course. :redface:
I think it's appropriate and tastful. I have my NSXCA sticker in the same location.
Generally not a fan, but that's pretty subtle, so if it pleases you, what's the harm? Still, recommend avoiding anything with a message, organization, or point of view...never know when some dufus with a different viewpoint and a key or rock will express his opinion in your absence.