No, I think you are still misunderstanding me. As I’ve explained in the past, I actually think that there is a high probability that aliens exist. I’ve said that multiple times in the past. However, I think there is low probability that we have been visited by them and I don’t see enough evidence to support that. But that is neither here nor there, the main point I am trying to make is that I don’t think there is enough evidence to say definitively that aliens exist. Note, it has been said by you and other “believers”multiple times that XYZ is proof aliens have visited this planet. Note you did not say XYZ is evidence aliens may have visited this planet. Big difference and that absolutism, with the lack of scientific proof that I am calling out. I retort in the exact same way when people push their religious beliefs on me. They say, oh did you see “insert event here?” That is PROOF GOD must EXIST. When I say, “Sorry, that is only an opinion because proof is something that is scientific, demonstratable and repeatable. What you have is evidence that god may exist but that does not make it proof.” Then they give the same reasons and rationales you do: there is just too much evidence, what about the bible, what about jesus, what about noah’s ark, how did we get here, how did the universe form? They will recount MILLIONS of testimonies from credible people who say they have SEEN god or FELT god. It would be too naïve and narrow minded (again with the name calling) to not think some supreme being created the universe. To which I again reply, I’m not saying you are wrong. I’m saying there isn’t enough to say it is “proof” so stop saying “proof” because once you use that incomplete level of evidence, you dilute the scientific value of what “proof” really means. Now you’ve opened the door to the supernatural, unicorns or dragons, because now overwhelming subjective evidence is good enough to replace scientific, repeatable and demonstratble evidence. Sorry but I can’t count on the car spirits to fix my car, god to cure my Dad’s cancer, or aliens to show me how to build a pyramid or skyscraper. I can bank on physics, gravity, science, mechanics, and math because they are proven. I can’t bank on spirits, god or aliens, because they are unproven. However, as I mentioned before, people with faith based ideas, who preach being open minded, are the least open minded to ideas other than their own.
I’m just curious, how do you deal with people who push their religious beliefs on you? Because the same arguments you give (subjective or faith based) are the same ones they give (subjective or faith based). It would seem to me that you couldn’t refute their claims because they could use the same basis of argument of overwhelming evidence, multiple testimonies and conjecture to prove something exists as you do with aliens visiting this planet.