I watched enough to know it's more of the same blabber over and over again of either a) stuff that doesn't affect me b) unsubstantiated c) over dramatized fodder to feed the ravenous need for something compelling (even if it isn’t) for conspiracy theorists like yourself (speaking of sheep).
I absolutely find it delicious how superior you view yourself because you think people are inferior to your mind expanding intellect, just because someone doesn’t believe or want to believe or want to know more about things that have no definitive scientific proof (hence why they are still called theories).
The first mistake your smug contempt makes is that you assume that that I live my life or advocate a life of blissful ignorance. If you truly understood what I was saying then you would have realized that I’m not advocating ignorance or lack of knowledge. I’m saying time and effort can be better spent on something that has a more direct impact on your life. If you have 3 hours of free time in a day, you can spend those hours of it contemplating the ecosystem of the bottom of the ocean, researching aliens, or questioning the meaning of life. Or you can spend those same 3 hours with your kids, volunteering, or helping the elderly. You think because you watch documentaries to better develop arguments for your unproven theories somehow makes you superior? What have you accomplished? You have trivial knowledge. You aren’t solving crimes. You aren’t helping people. You aren’t curing cancer. So what if you know of some odd combination of numbers that add up to something interesting and coincidental? I’d have a lot more respect for someone who spent that time with their kids than discovering new evidence of aliens. Now I’m not solving crimes or curing cancer. But I’m also no bragging about how what I do and research is somehow more enlightened, intelligent or superior than other people as you are.
You also think that I’m implying that I’m not advocating thinking outside the box or challenging the norm. Wrong again. If you want to come up with a novel new way to improve gas efficiency in cars or want to challenge the system on gender equality or gay rights, then I salute you. You challenging if people believe in aliens or not is about as impressive as if I questioned what would happened if Superman fought Batman. I highly encourage thinking outside the box or challenging the system to tangible, substantial things and events. Throwing out wild theories and ideas doesn’t make you as open minded or superior as you think you are. I could probably write a 50 page term paper on how I believe the Easter Bunny exists and give theories and proofs on why I believe that. Does that make me progressive thinking? Does that make me intellectually superior? Does that make you all sheep because you don’t buy into what I’m say or even want to open your mind to what I’m saying? Apparently you think so. You’ve somehow confused that pondering whether if aliens or spirits exist or if leprauchans have pots of gold, somehow creates skyscrapers, cures cancer or feeds people. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. It’s people not wasting their time staring up at clouds and theorizing and hypothesizing unproveable conjectures all day long, but rather putting their nose to the grindstone and actually applying themselves to the task in front of them; calculating forces on a bolt, spending time in the lab and picking crops. That’s how skyscrapers are built. Not sitting around talking about how certain dates or coordinates add up to some mystical number or combination.
I do have curiosity. I do question things. I do attempt to learn and expand my mind. But I apply them to things that apply to me. Sure I can question aliens, but I can also learn a new language, learn to fence, or study philosophy. But why would I learn something like French if I never plan on going to France or talk to French people, when I could use that time to learn how to rebuild an engine; a knowledge I might actually use. The same argument applies to wasting my time thinknig about aliens and government conspiracies; they will never have an application in my life, just as French probably won't either. The point is there are an infinite number of things you can expand your mind on. If you want to waste your time expanding your mind on pondering aliens or spirits and ghosts, then call it what it is: that’s your hobby; trivial entertainment. Nothing more. Don’t be so naive as to think it somehow makes you intellectually superior or expansive or forward thinking. Get real.