Ok, I had actually written a lengthy response to your post, but decided to delete it as obviously you have your beliefs and there is no changing that. As with any faith based (and non-proven) belief, like religion, there is no tangible argument that will actually come to any resolution as everything is going to be based on hypotheticals.
SO, instead I give you this argument. Say you are correct and say aliens have been visiting earth for billions of years. Say the government is one big conspiracy. Say the Egyptians worked with Aliens to build the pyramids.
How does that affect your day to day life? How has that affected anybody’s day to day life, now and in the past? Do you think the average Egyptian cared? No, they were busy trying to put food on the table, find a mate, raise a kid. Which is what you and I should be doing. How does aliens and government conspiracies affect my life? I’m too busy trying to put food on my table, pay my mortgage, find a mate, and try to build a family. Humans have been on this planet for years, ignorant of any aliens and they continue to be on this planet. The reality they should be focusing on is the reality that affects them day to day. I have as much understanding of aliens as I do with the entire ecosystem that lives at the bottom of the ocean. But neither affect me or my day to day life so I have no interest in understanding or even acknowledging either and so should everyone else.
Ok, so say aliens will blow up the planet in 2012 and that does affect me. But at the same time. Well, what can I do about it. If aliens want to blow up the planet, how can I stop them? Like I said, I’ve got my hands full with paying my mortgage let alone stop a fleet of aliens who have mastered intergalatic space travel. If you knew the planet was going to blow up in 2012, what would you do differently? More importanly what COULD you do differently other than keep on living. There is nothing you do about it. Might as well keep on living until it does.
People spend way too much time thinking and fretting over things that they know nothing about, doesn’t affect their lives, or have absolutely no control over. Rather than spending calories on conspiracies and aliens, how about applying that to spending more time with your kids, or volunteering, or making more money, or just enjoying life? I’ll live my entire life completely ignorant to if there is or isn’t aliens and you know what, it won’t affect my life one bit. And you know what, say we do meet aliens, well it will have as much change in my life as with any other thing I didn’t know about but learned of, like microscopic germs or how hot dogs are made. The TRUTH behind hot dogs and chicken nuggets is pretty disgusting but you know what? I still eat them.