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Har har very funny. :rolleyes:

Read more about the Philadelphia project. It didn't just make the ship disappear it made the people inside it disappear too. When they came back, there were people embedded into the bulkheads. Its documented and it really happened using equipment that Nikola Tesla invented. You can say whatever you like about it.... its not clear paint or some crap like that... It created an electromagnetic field around the ship and everything inside it transferring into hyperspace...

If aliens do exist how would they get here? They wouldn't be sitting in their ships flying here for hundreds of thousands of years using standard rocket technology..... they would bend spacetime so that it wouldn't take so long using anti-gravity and slipping into another dimension ie teleporting.  For a civilization that's far more "evolved" than humans I would think that rockets would be like rocks to them.

Using conventional rockets to get to the nearest star would take a few hundred thousand years... but whatever I don't really care if you believe it or not. Its just interesting to read about things that are not the norm.

Of course I'm sure none of you will believe this and thats fine with me... :)

Oh and saying you've seen a stealth bomber or fighter does nothing to prove that they're not invisible... lol how would you see something that's invisible anyways? You would only hear of people saying they have seen the crafts.
