This is one of the most interesting bodies in our solar system, let me explain. When the astronauts landed on the Moon they tried to do core drillings. They were only able to drill down about twelve inches and they hit solid titanium! This is impossible for a naturally formed planet/moon. The Moon is an artificial satellite, built by intelligent beings. I know this sounds bazaar but what is the alternative? We have further proof, when the astronauts blasted off the Moon, they separated the first stage and let it fall back to the Moon surface. The seismographic instruments that they had put in place while on the Moon surface recorded a loud gong and the Moon reverberated for five hours after the expended rocket had hit the surface! The Moon is obviously hollow, a titanium sphere, built by someone or something and for what? I have a dozen theories, but you think about it for a while. What is inside?
To further complicate the matter, why haven’t we built the Moon colony up there like we planned? I will answer that question. Neil Armstrong attended a scientific conference in London England a few years ago and the press knew what hotel he was to stay in and the precise room. They set up listening devises in the room next door to spy on Armstrong’s private conversations. Neil had a professor visit him one evening. The first question out of the professor’s mouth was "What happened to all the Moon projects, colonies, telescopes, low gravity factories. Neil said, "They warned us off, their ships were so much larger and much higher tech, we didn't have a chance". They told us, "scoop up a few rocks and go home, the Moon is off limits!" We are quarantined to the Earth. Have you paid attention? All the Mars probes have failed, plus Mars has two artificial satellites (which are now gone!). They, the Aliens don’t want us snooping around the solar system. There is too much information out there that establishes the truth about the human race and it’s origins. We are an engineered species, bred to do a specific job for somebody. Some say we never went to the Moon, but I don’t buy it. It would have been a little much to cover up.
The Russian probe, before it went silent, sent back some of the most convincing photos of what appeared to be a city on the planet’s surface. I saw these pictures with my own eyes while in Canada, but they have never seen the light of day in the United States! August 21st 2001, the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, have disappeared! These two moons are very small, five miles and ten miles in diameter, so they are hard to see, but they have been visible for hundreds of years and on primitive equipment. So what has happened to them? I have always believed that due to the fact that these moons have unusual orbits and are very reflective, that they are artificial! Now they are gone, could they be spaceships? Only time will bring us the truth. If we look up in the sky in the not so distant future, and see a couple of extra moons, the cat, (Aliens) will definitely be out of the bag.
The Anunnaki use gold to manufacture a very fine gold dust, which they somehow put into their planet’s upper atmosphere. This retains the heat of the planet while it is in deep space. The gold then shields it from the burning rays of the sun while in our solar system. Nibiru may not have an Ozone layer either, and this gold dust would help to deflect the Sun’s radiation. At first gold was plentiful, the Anunnaki just placer mined it from the rivers and streams. Over the course of time, several hundred thousand years, above ground gold became scarce. They then proceeded to South Africa for underground mining operations. Believe it or not some of these abandoned mines still exist in South Africa with the mining equipment carbon dating back over 100 thousand years! You won’t read that in your local newspaper or "Scientific American". The powers to be don’t think the ignorant masses are smart enough to "handle it".
Ancient copper mines were discovered in Michigan when the miners of modern copper mines broke through into the old mines. The owners were surprised to find these mines, for there were no records of such mines. The equipment in the abandoned mines was carbon dated and found to be at least 25 thousand years old! Who did this mining? Read "The Twelfth Planet" by Zechari Sitchin, it will open your eyes.
During the last one half million years or so, the Anunnaki/Aliens have had a tremendous impact on planet Earth. They built many structures that remain to this day, the Pyramids, the Sphinx and the huge temple in Peru that is 10,000 feet above the quarry below where the big stones were obtained. However my favorite is the platform at Baalbek. This huge structure, made from stone, was no doubt a rocket launch pad. It is constructed from stone quarried from a pit 2000 feet below the platform and miles away! The huge rectangular stones that form the pad weigh over two million pounds each. They were somehow cut so precision that you can not insert a razor blade between them, then incredibly lifted, transported and put in place to fit the other stones of the platform! We high tech humans are unable to move one of these stones today with any of our mammoth earth moving equipment. Baalbek is located in Lebanon, just outside of Beirut. The government of Lebanon realizes that it is impossible for humans to build this structure, so they have made it a religious shrine. The Lebanese people think the gods built it and so they did. (What do you think a primitive race would think we were, if we arrived on a young planet with the high-tech equipment that we have today and began to build structures?) One stone lies in the quarry below, partially removed, beckoning to the Human race to finish the job and put it in place. When we do we can ring the Anunnaki up on the phone, because we will have arrived. This ancient Alien race used rockets back then to power their freighters carrying the gold up to the enormous orbiting space ship, which in turn carried it to the home planet Nibiru. There are many more such structure around the world and you can read about them in the book "The Atlantis Blueprint".
Now this is the part that you will definitely not like! After about 100 thousand years of under ground mining the Anunnaki worker revolted, they didn’t like the dirty job of mining, they wanted a slave to do the work, can you dig it, no pun intended. These workers were here for thousands of years, at least one "Shar" which is 3600 years. The leadership needed an intelligent slave to the work, and that is where we humans come into the picture. Their scientists mixed the male Anunnaki sperm with the eggs of a Hominid, native to South Africa at the time. The scientists placed these eggs into the wombs of some female Anunnaki and Homo Sapiens were born. The Anunnaki scientists worked with these hybrids for over 35 thousand years before they were perfected to what you see today. The early men were Cro-Magnon and many of the Anunnaki bred with these hybrids for lack of a better mate and even more Anunnaki blood was injected into the human race. This all started over 200 thousand years ago, they called us the "Black Headed People", probably black skin too. No other animal has so much brains that they do not use. How did this happen? This completely blows the Darwin evolution theory. We were designed to have only about 10% use of our brain so we would never be able to challenge our masters. Is it all starting to make sense? An interesting side note is that the Hebrew word in the Bible that was translated to worship, should have been translated to "WORK"! We are supposed to be "working" for God, not worshiping Him! Think how smart you would be if you only lived 500 years, much less 500 thousand years, and on top of that you were youthful most of the time! The same theory works for humans. During the second half of the 1980s the study of "mitochondrial" DNA’ (DNA inherited only from females) science traced modern humans to a female Ape, Eve, in South Africa. I think we are starting to figure it out. Maybe in another thousand years the human race will be brave enough to accept the facts and realize that we are just a very small cog in a very large wheel. When I say this I think of how small our sun is in comparison to our Milky Way Galaxy.
When you and your spouse realize we have to work till around July 11th before any of our hard earnings are for our own use, then maybe you will understand we are still slaves and just aren’t smart enough to comprehend it.
The Greys aliens were not the Anunnaki, they were the "care takers" referred to earlier as the little "Greys". They have small bodies, large black wrap around eyes, no skeleton, just a semi-hard outer layer of skin, similar to an insect, The black eyes are only a lens covering the eye ball that allow them to see at night. This lens also shields their eyes from the bright rays of our sun during daytime. The Greys claim that they work for the owners of this planet, a Reptilian species from the Draco star system, who are over 100 light years from earth. The little Greys do the work and a large, tall species of Grey supervises, who really knows? I personally don’t think it’s the Anunnaki, perhaps they sold earth to someone else, why not, they owned it, and most of the gold was gone anyway. The Reptiles eat humans, the way we eat chickens, cows, sheep and pigs, so it would have been a good deal for both species. Can you dig it? We Humans in general have gotten a lot fatter in the last 50 years, maybe the Reptilians have bred us the same way we have bred the Black Angus cows. The Greys are very mercenary and completely devoid of compassion, like the people who work in "our" slaughterhouses. The "Bible" says we are in charge of the earth, and can do what we want with all of the less intelligent species, maybe the Aliens have a similar bible written by their god, you know what I’m talking about? You probably have heard the old saying, "sorry, nothing personal, it’s just my job". The Greys come from the constellation Reticuli, you can see it from the Southern Hemisphere. The Greys star Zeta I & Zeta II, orbit each other and the Greys occupy the 4th planet in orbit around this binary star system. Zeta I & II are 32 light years from earth and the trip in one of their spacecraft takes about 60 earth hours, according to John Lear, whose Father designed the Lear Jet and former pilot for the CIA. John is very well informed about the Alien situation. Obviously these Aliens don’t travel in a linear mode! The Greys control time, space and matter. Some of our scientists think the Greys are biological robots. The US Government refers to the Greys as EBE’s, short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entities. Sees how far behind we humans are in technology?
Sometime during Eisenhower’s first term, the Aliens got a message to the White House, that they wanted a meeting with the President. This was arranged to take place at Muroc Dry Lakes, now called Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California. William Cooper in his book "Behold a Pale Horse" comments on the meeting. Ike feigned a toothache to the press, his security whisked Ike to Edwards for the meeting and Ike was out of touch with the press for 24 hours! The press speculated that the President had died! Now think about that for a minute, would the White House allow the press to run stories like that over a little toothache? As Cooper’s story goes, a deal was cut and we would get Alien technological assistance and the Aliens would get what they wanted, which would be, violation of our air space and take human beings, for experimental purposes, zoos, slaves, food, or whatever. A lot of very important people were at that meeting, the head of the Hearst newspapers, the leader of the Catholic Church and several top scientists. When the Aliens demonstrated their ability to become invisible along with mental telepathy, everyone there was terrified. To these experts, their world had just disintegrated before their eyes, everything that they had ever been taught or believed, had suddenly evaporated. It was a mind-boggling experience to these gentlemen. The Aliens need slave labor, big time, still, now before you laugh, think about it, humans are the best biological machines going. We are easily controlled, reproduce rapidly, learn quickly and are self-repairing, perfect! On February 20th 1954 Eisenhower signed a treaty with the Aliens agreeing to most of the above.
My friend Bob Lazar, a Nuclear Physicist, who used to work at the infamous Los Alamos Labs in New Mexico, was a friend of Dr. Edward Teller. Dr. Teller was the Father of the Hydrogen Bomb, what a nice boy! Dr. Teller only liked things that exploded. Lazar was transferred to Area 51 in 1988 along with 22 other scientists to "back engineer" a flying saucer, or UFO. The craft was 52 feet in diameter and was capable of interstellar travel in excess of the speed of light! The craft came from the Reticuli star system, 32 light years from earth, home of the "little and the Big Greys". The craft breaks all laws of physics as we understand them, but remember just 500 years ago the Catholic church burned you at the stake for stating the earth was round and orbited the sun and was not the center of the Universe. We’ve come a long way baby! What could the Romans do with a late model Honda two thousand years ago? The 22 scientists working on the project for a year did determine how the craft operated and what made it travel through space. They were unable to duplicate the craft, the drive system or the navigational equipment, so much for our technology. But then what could the ancient Greeks have done with an F-16 fighter plane? The Federal Government has in its possession many UFO’s, the United States is the earth’s repository for Alien spacecraft. The one Lazar worked on was intact, not a crashed vehicle and Bob has no idea how the government came into it’s possession. Lazar did attend government briefing and that is my source for much of the information on the Greys. Several scientists lost their lives trying to disassemble the power plant from one of the spacecraft. This occurred in one of the Nevada Atomic underground test sites. It was reported as a low yield nuclear test. They have us covered! For his disclosure, Bob Lazar has been totally discredited, both academically and as a person.