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Well again, I'm not doubting that there is a possibility that there is intelligent life out there. Nor am I doubting that there are unexplainable things. But that's just that: they are unexplainable. If you go assigning leaps of faith and assumptions to these unexplainable things then any number of explanations are equally viable.

Before we understood what gravity was, we couldn't explain what caused apples to fall from trees. Now, it could have been a magical force of an apple spirit god or it could have been the magical force of gravity. Both at the time were equally valid explanations, however, if I were living at that time I wouldn't have definitively said it was an apple spirit god, nor a force called gravity. I would have said "I don't know" and waited until something proved one theory over the other. The point being, based on the knowledge base available at the time, scientific thinking would have said there is not enough understanding to know what caused the apple to fall.

The problem with alien believers is that you take only one possible theory of the unexplained and use it as definitive proof that something exists, when it is clear that there is not information to make that definitive statement. Could it be all of these explained events be from aliens. Sure! Could they also have perfectly scientifically explainable reasons that have nothing to do with aliens. Sure! As one being accused of being narrow minded, I find it strange (and ironic) that I leave open the possibility of both scenarios, yet the alien believers only believe what they want to believe and accuse everyone else who don't agree of being narrow minded. :rolleyes:

And just because you are an engineer doesn't mean you think critically. One has nothing to do with another.
