Again, the reoccurring misconception of the skeptics like me is that I:
1) Definitively think aliens don’t exist. In face I think most of us have agreed that there is a high likely hood of alien life forms simply based on the sheer odds and percentages.
2) Definitively think there is no evidence of aliens on this planet. There might be there might not, but to say one way or another definitely is folly.
What I've been saying all along is:
1) In order to draw definitive conclusions and statements you must follow a consistent path of scientific analysis and critical thinking in order to draw these conclusions.
2) Using this consistent path of scientific analysis and critical thinking, there isn’t enough data to say definitively that there is proof that aliens have visited our planet. To say that they definitively have would be as foolish to say they definitively haven’t.
3) Because of a lack of this data and evidence, a proper scientific mind would not rush to conclusions regarding whether aliens have visited the planet or not, but rather reserve judgment on that issue until further evidence reveals itself.
4) However, in the meantime, use current scientific understanding to draw the most simplest conclusion, which at this time does not support the idea of aliens having visited the plant.
5) Because if one is to accept this leap of faith and base conclusions based on incomplete scientific analysis, then you open Pandora’s Box of any infinite number of explanations all with equally valid arguments.
Please view the following videos on Critical Thinking and Open Mindedness, which address any claim, whether they are about god(s), aliens, leprechauns etc.
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The bottom line is when you are convinced of something in your own belief structure, you actually become close minded, even if you are trying to convince other people that they are being close minded themselves. It is what overly religious people do, and what those who are convinced aliens have visited this planet already are doing. The only equalizer is to take a purely open scientific mind and use current understanding with the willingness to continue to adapt that belief as more data arrives. And currently there is no more data to suggest aliens have visited this planet as there is that leprechauns and dragons existed. As I mentioned before, if you don’t, then you open up the universe (pun intended) to any number of explanations and rationales to explain any unknown event, structure or device.
For example, not one person has addressed or refuted my idea that a magical elixir, developed by the ancient Egyptians, increased the strength and intelligence tenfold. However, little did they know, that it caused premature death and hence, they were able to build structures that seemed way beyond their capacity and yet they all mysteriously disappeared. Why is this theory not as valid as aliens? After all the evidence is still there in front of you, giant pyramids, advanced technology, the appearance of superhuman strength. Without proper critical thinking and scientific analysis, this also becomes a perfectly acceptable explanation.