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The overall change in the shape/height of the oceans is negligible compared to the almost 8,000 mile diameter.  Nobody is saying it's a perfect sphere, it's not, but it's so darned close that it doesn't really matter unless you're dealing with something like the GPS system.  If you want to get all technical, its a sphere with a bunch of tiny, tiny spikes sticking out (mountains) and tiny holes in it (canyons).  But even the height of Mt. Everest is only 0.07% of the diameter of the Earth.  Even if you drained the oceans, the deepest point being around 7 miles, you're still dealing with only a fraction of a percent of the diameter of the Earth.  The tides make very little difference in the overall shape of the Earth.

I'd say that a 0.4% deviation from a perfect sphere shape would still allow one to refer to the earth as being a sphere without being incorrect.  However referring to it as egg shaped (chicken) would be totally incorrect.
