Thought I'd introduce myself

10 January 2003
I've been lurking around here quite some time now, I figured I'd register and introduce myself. Ever since I bought my car (Toyota Celica), I have wanted a second car for a summer car. I am pretty sure that the NSX is that car. There are faster cars / cheaper cars / more readily modifiable cars out there but.... there is just something about the NSX, isnt there (I know I'm preaching to the choir here
). The Celica is fun to drive and makes a good commuter car, but I find myself wanting a real sports car (I would refer to the Celica as a "sporty coupe", even though some would say "sports car").

Just bought a house 2 months ago and renovated the whole interior, so I'm still waiting for things to settle financially. When that happens I'll be able to draw up some kind of "saving schedule". Probably be a year or two until I can think seriously about purchasing, but I figured I'd start learning about what to look for now and be proactive about the whole thing.

Anyway, great site here... Its a breath of fresh air to go somewhere where every thread isnt about how "Cops Suck" or street racing / creating general mayhem. I know, I know, it shouldn't irritate me but it does.

Thanks to all
Hey, welcome! What year is your Celica? I've always wanted a prev-gen MR2, but there are always too many cars and not enough garage space

Anyway, this is an excellent site (as I'm sure you know by now). Lud's done an excellent job with it, and the members are just fantastic! Glad to count you among us
its a 2000 Celica GT-S... a lot of fun between 6000 and 8300 RPMs (taller cam lobe), but not a whole lot going on outside of that range. It does well for a 1.8L 4-cyl, and only weighs around 2500 lbs., so its fun to throw around corners (Ah the simple pleasure of making one's wife grab the "oh sh*t" handle on the door

However, I spun a rod bearing earlier this year and the whole engine went to hell. Nobody can explain why this happened... the car has never been pushed hard for more than 5 seconds at a time in its entire life, and has seen more than 80 MPH exactly twice. Fortunately it was covered under warranty (I was worried because I had a cold air intake on at the time). I have since removed all modifications and now I have a daily driver that I'm afraid to push hard at all. Warranty or not, I don't feel like hearing that godawful "giant baseball card in spokes" sound of a broken rod.

FYI I talk too much only because I'm jittery from coffee (software engineer) and its 4:30 on Friday. Have a good weekend everybody.
Toyota & Honda are good companies. My brother experienced transmission problems with his '93 Camry a few thousand miles (and *many* years) outside of warranty, and Toyota replaced the transmission for free.