Thought I'd introduce myself.

9 February 2011
Los Angeles, CA
Hello, my name's Dave. I grew up in Kansas, graduated from the University of Kansas (BSE exercise science) and now currently reside in Sacramento,Ca. I'm a personal trainer by trade, been doing it 9 years.

I've been a member of Prime since around February but read the site for months before registering. I've posted in a few discussions here and there but figured I'd finally break the ice and say hello, officially. It's been a dream of mine to own this vehicle. So, around last December I started to really consider the future purchase of an NSX. Nearly daily I'd come to the site and read about the NSX; price points, maintenance costs, performance, general things involved in owning the car. What really sells me the most about this car is the way current owners speak of their NSX, the regard and respect they give this vehicle. Not too many vehicle owners revere their cars like this.

After the months of research and cultivating information the decision was set in stone. I'm gonna sell my S2000 (my second favorite car of all-time) and use that money to buy my NSX. Business has never been better for me so over the last four months I've been busting my ass to pay $2000/mo. toward paying off my S2000. I'm forecasting a mid-October payoff (28 months early) at which point I'll put it up for sale to see what interest I can garner. She's a '06 GPW with ~62k miles. I named her Ms. Daisy. Yes, I went there.

So here's the rundown as to my purchase preferences. I know these are rare cars so I have decided to rank them.

Model Year: '91-92
It's the only model years with which I feel comfortable with the price points. Sure I'd like an NA2 or a '02+ but I'm not up for spending $40k-$55k for a car, yet. My initial price range was also $23k-$28k out the door but the more I read, the more I understood that it's a "pay now or pay later" type of purchase. So I've since then adjusted my price point slightly upward :wink:

1. White
2. White
3. White
4. Silver
5. Red
6. Black

Love white cars. Love them. As my girlfriend says, "white just looks more expensive." I'm kidding... about that being the reason for me wanting white... I actually agree with the statement :biggrin: Seeing that GPW is rare and coveted, compounded with the NSX itself being rare, I won't limit myself to the search of my color preference. As many of you have stated; records are king. So really, color is secondary to that. I'll happily take a silver NSX with comprehensive records over a GPW without them.

These are mods I want on the car at purchase or ones I plan on once I own it. In order of priority

1. Headers
2. Ipod adapter
3. Exhaust
4. HID
5. '02 wheels or '94-'01 wheels
6. '02 rear valence
7. short gears

Vehicle with headers already installed is a big plus.

So that's it. I'm shooting for an April purchase so that I may save more money on top of the sale of my S2000. I want to make this as much a cash purchase as possible. I may surprise myself and buy sooner. Who knows. I do see two cars in particular where, if they are still around, I'll be contacting those owners first. Just wishful thinking I suppose.

I look forward to joining ya'll in ownership. Thanks for letting me be a part of the community
Welcome aboard. I have a 91' Black/Ivory and I absolutely love it.

About the white NSX. You may run into difficulties finding a white one in the years listed. In '91 there were zero white cars. In '92 there were 215 manuals and 23 autos with white/black.
If you check out the Wiki section under production numbers and colours it will give you a good breakdown of the rarity of the white NSX.
'93 there were 84 manuals and 4 autos in white/black.
'94 there were 20 manuals and 4 autos in white/black.
'94 there were 6 manuals and 2 autos in white/tan.

So, if you are looking for the pre '95 coupes in white, you are looking for a rare car. You will most likely have to pay a premium above what a equivalent red, black or silver car would bring.

It took me 9 months to find a car in my price range with a stack of maintenance paperwork and that I felt comfortable buying. I bought it in May of 2010 and I have put on over 12k miles on it. It has driven from Virginia to Winnipeg, then down to Las Vegas and back and many other trips, long and short. It is an absolute pleasure to drive.

Enjoy your NSX hunt and welcome to the family.

well with what your looking for you may be looking for a long time.

white NSX's and Zanardi are hard to find and when one comes up for sale people with the biggest check book will get the car. with that said

if you want an NSX sooner than later try changing your Needs around

black, red, NSX are more common now if you went with either of these colors you will be in an NSX in no time at all.

white well get in line.
well with what your looking for you may be looking for a long time.

white NSX's and Zanardi are hard to find and when one comes up for sale people with the biggest check book will get the car. with that said

if you want an NSX sooner than later try changing your Needs around

black, red, NSX are more common now if you went with either of these colors you will be in an NSX in no time at all.

white well get in line.

Indeed, I knew this going in. I'm not as dead set on white as I'm making myself out to be. It's just a preference that will yield to practicality. BTW Shawn, love your work and what you do around here. You have valuable input.
Hey dave welcome aboard
Glad to see u decided to step into an me you will love every minute of it. I have both the S and the X and I can tell from personal experience that it's no comparison in the fun factor. More than that be prepared to go into the garage few times a day to do nothing more than just stare :)

PS: the s and the x are both gpw. I think s4play is the other person who also owns one of each and also in gpw..however he is a balla and and has his s2 supercharged and and a coveted 02+ gpw. If gpw is your color give ut some time and be prepared to jump on it when it pops everyone else said they are hard to come by..but damn do they look good in white!!!

PM your contact info to me. We have a large group of NSX owners in the Sacramento area. It would be cool to have you come out to some events and hang out.

P.S. I have an S2000 too and will be selling it soon myself. I don't drive it anymore (only put on 300 miles last year). :frown:
Welcome and enjoy your hunt.

There is a white/camel 97 NSX-T on ebay with a buy it now of $32,900, with 90k miles on it.

It looks a little rough, but says no accident history.

That seems like a pretty low price to me... I suspect somebody on prime has already mentioned that car.

Most times it is cheaper to pay a little more for a car that needs less. Parts prices add up quickly.

When the timing is right, I'm sure everything will fall into place and you'll get a very nice NSX.

If I could get a nice 97 to 01 in that price range, it would be extremely tempting to part with my current 91 (I'm partial to the pop-up headlights). I find it a difficult leap, since I know what I have compared with the unknown.

Hang out on prime and learn all you can. The wiki is loaded with information and the primers are normally very good at sharing what they know.
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I met up with some local Sacramento owners a few weeks ago. Great guys, took my first ever ride in an NSX. It's everything that I thought it would be :biggrin:

In other news, I've just posted my S2000 for sale on s2ki and here on Prime. And so it begins....
Welcome Bee, Dave, good to have another Primer on board. These are the best cars out there for fun and excitement without worry. There are other cool sports cars and all of them have some worrisome aspect about them. The NSX doesn't. There is nothing like having your cake and eating it too! You'll see - it's the car made for the guy that wants a Ferrari but can't afford it and "settles" for the NSX and is glad everyday he doesn't have to repair his Ferrrari and can just drive his NSX!

It's a wonderful car like so many others have said - you won't regret it ever!
LOL Zaid, I'm no baller but I do love Honda's in GPW so I had to have both :)

OP: I saw your post on s2ki and recognized your SN since at one point I was considering buying your s2000 just to have an extra one but looks like it's sold already?

Don't buy an NSX in a color you don't like - you will only regret it later. Unfortunately NSX or s2000 just costs more in white - no doubt about it so if you want a cherry white one, plan to pay extra.

I like all my sport cars in white, orange, green, or yellow!

Enjoy the hunt, the hard part is selling your old car, now the easy part is to be patient :wink:
LOL Zaid, I'm no baller but I do love Honda's in GPW so I had to have both :)

OP: I saw your post on s2ki and recognized your SN since at one point I was considering buying your s2000 just to have an extra one but looks like it's sold already?

Don't buy an NSX in a color you don't like - you will only regret it later. Unfortunately NSX or s2000 just costs more in white - no doubt about it so if you want a cherry white one, plan to pay extra.

I like all my sport cars in white, orange, green, or yellow!

Enjoy the hunt, the hard part is selling your old car, now the easy part is to be patient :wink:

A deal is still pending on the sale of my car. Waiting on title and financing. I know from first hand experience that white S2000s cost more. When I was looking, a white car was around $2000 more expensive than other S2000s of the same model year and comparable mileage.

Haha, "just to have an extra one", that's good. Has to be a good feeling to be able to say that :biggrin:
A deal is still pending on the sale of my car. Waiting on title and financing. I know from first hand experience that white S2000s cost more. When I was looking, a white car was around $2000 more expensive than other S2000s of the same model year and comparable mileage.

Haha, "just to have an extra one", that's good. Has to be a good feeling to be able to say that :biggrin:

We have x3 s2000's as shop cars here so we go through them quite a bit. My 09 GPW is actually my 7th or 8th, can't remember now....haha

I love white with red or yellow accents, just so sexy! Try to buy an 02+ NSX if you can find one, there is very few out there so it's 10x harder to find than a white s2000 but worth the effort.

My other white baby:

We have x3 s2000's as shop cars here so we go through them quite a bit. My 09 GPW is actually my 7th or 8th, can't remember now....haha

I love white with red or yellow accents, just so sexy! Try to buy an 02+ NSX if you can find one, there is very few out there so it's 10x harder to find than a white s2000 but worth the effort.

My other white baby:


That '02+ will have to come later on down the road. $50k+ for a car is above my pay grade so far :wink:

As much as I like white, maintenance and condition is my main priority. I'll be happy with a very well maintained silver if a comparably conditioned white is not available. That GPW '92 out of Tempe listed here that sold for around $31k would have been right up my alley but the timing was about 8 months too early. We'll see where I go, I'm six months from being ready. I can't wait for the time to come to unveil my purchase to everyone here. Until then I'll just have to drool over your stable, for you have the two cars I want in my garage AND in the appropriate color :tongue:
Welcome and good luck with the search....I was stuck on silver and wanted the lowest mileage, best condition with flip up lights I could afford....looked for about a year , maybe more for the "right one", but it finally made an appearance, so jumped on it....never a regret since....although I did end up stretching my budget a bit more to make it happen, and the ugly Canadian/US exchange rate at the time.

Interesting to hear about your profession. My son had been attending University for a Phys Ed teacher, when he decided that was not for him, and decided to pursue the route of a Personal Trainer. (He himself has been into fitness, and strength training, as well as nutrition for years)
He got his NASM as a start, and with the Univ. classes he already had, was able to find a good job with a high end Performance Center. He is still taking some additional Univ. classes via distant learning to finish up some of the Kinis. stuff. Totally enjoys it, and says he too is also very busy....
Now that you have sold your S2000 what is going to be your daily driver while you look for an NSX?

Good question. I've decided to try and go without owning a car until I'll be ready to buy an NSX in the spring. I've been offered the use of three cars until I get to purchasing my NSX; '07 300 SRT-8, '06 BMW 325i, '96 Jeep Grand Cherokee (I have very generous clients). Between those and a bicycle I think I have my transportation bases covered :cool:
Oh rub it in why don't ya!!! :biggrin:

In other news; Within 20 hours of listing my GPW S2000 I made a sale agreement with a buyer. Keeping fingers crossed for a smooth transaction. NSX here I come!!!

My '02 GPW S2000 sold within the first day I had it listed, and it was listed above market value. But it was the ONLY '02 GPW S2000 with ALL RED interior for sale anywhere in the country. Sure, it cost me $3,000 more than other colors when I bought it, but selling it was a snap because of how rare the car is.