Those Buick/ GM Harley Earl commercials make me want to puke

27 November 2002
I HATE crappy GM vehicles!! I can't for the life of me understand how GM stays successful in spite of their crappy cars.

Watching the new Harley Earl commercials is really something. Take a look at the ugly design of the Buicks, and you wonder who on earth would buy that piece of junk.

How does a car company like GM survive in spite of putting out the worst vehicles on the planet??? :confused: :confused: :confused:
I am with you. I detest those commercials... I have never even heard of harley earl... but I guess they are going after the 55+ age group.
NSX_Dreamer said:
How does a car company like GM survive in spite of putting out the worst vehicles on the planet??? :confused: :confused: :confused:

A combination of a well-established name, marketing and ADVERTISING...

same goes for Microsoft, as most of their products leave a lot to be desired.
I'm not a fan of their Tiger Woods ads either. Why would someone like that choose to associate himself with a car like the Rendevouz? Obviously not a car buff...
I remember Harley Earl from way back in the day as being an honest young lad. I happen to find all current GM products extremely appealing in ALL respects. C'mon guys, ever look at Consumer Reports? Just count all those red dots that Buick has earned throughout history. Look at the remarkable Ultra Park Avenue and compare in to the inferior Lexus GS300. In terms of reliability, interior design, and overall value the Buick wins hands down. Moreover, you can look at the depreciation comparison, I can only assume a new $41K Buick would be worth far more than any crappy old Lexus at trade in time. When I bought my last Buick they took my personal check as a deposit, when I asked the folks at Lexus if they would do the same, they wanted some kinda credit card-I need one of those as much as I need me an internet burner do-hicky connection in my personal computer. Also, I wouldn't have to worry about a Buick getting keyed at all those NASCAR events I attend with my spouse of 70 years, Thelma Lynn.

Furthermore, I have successfully been convinced by the largest efficient union (UAW) into believing that I must support American car manufacturers in order to be a patriotic American. In fact, I have a bumper sticker on the back of my 78' Monza that reads: Buy Japanese help them buy America

If anyone has any problem with that you can find me in a van down by the river.
I agree too. A friend of mine a couple of years back bought a new Cadillac Catera. Just for fun, I checked Consumer Reports and according to them, the reliability of the Catera was dismal. Sure enough, his Catera was in the shop several times during the next two years. Amazing how GM stays in business.
john576 said:
I remember Harley Earl from way back in the day as being an honest young lad. I happen to find all current GM products extremely appealing in ALL respects. C'mon guys, ever look at Consumer Reports? Just count all those red dots that Buick has earned throughout history. Look at the remarkable Ultra Park Avenue and compare in to the inferior Lexus GS300. In terms of reliability, interior design, and overall value the Buick wins hands down. Moreover, you can look at the depreciation comparison, I can only assume a new $41K Buick would be worth far more than any crappy old Lexus at trade in time. When I bought my last Buick they took my personal check as a deposit, when I asked the folks at Lexus if they would do the same, they wanted some kinda credit card-I need one of those as much as I need me an internet burner do-hicky connection in my personal computer. Also, I wouldn't have to worry about a Buick getting keyed at all those NASCAR events I attend with my spouse of 70 years, Thelma Lynn.

Furthermore, I have successfully been convinced by the largest efficient union (UAW) into believing that I must support American car manufacturers in order to be a patriotic American. In fact, I have a bumper sticker on the back of my 78' Monza that reads: Buy Japanese help them buy America

If anyone has any problem with that you can find me in a van down by the river.

Until I got to the smiley face I was thinking what in the hell is this guy smoking?

I have nothing against GM products (though I don't think there's a single GM product I'd actually buy (even including the all mighty Z06 Corvette)) but I must say that I think the Harley Earl commercials are terrible.

First of all, I'd be surprised if the avg. Buick buyer even knew who the hell Earl was. Second, those people who know of Earl must be thinking what the hell does Earl have to do with a Rendezvous SUV. Finally, I have to believe that old Harley is turning in his grave to these commericals.
ROFLMAO!!!!!!! :D :D :D

john576 said:
I remember Harley Earl from way back in the day as being an honest young lad. I happen to find all current GM products extremely appealing in ALL respects. C'mon guys, ever look at Consumer Reports? Just count all those red dots that Buick has earned throughout history. Look at the remarkable Ultra Park Avenue and compare in to the inferior Lexus GS300. In terms of reliability, interior design, and overall value the Buick wins hands down. Moreover, you can look at the depreciation comparison, I can only assume a new $41K Buick would be worth far more than any crappy old Lexus at trade in time. When I bought my last Buick they took my personal check as a deposit, when I asked the folks at Lexus if they would do the same, they wanted some kinda credit card-I need one of those as much as I need me an internet burner do-hicky connection in my personal computer. Also, I wouldn't have to worry about a Buick getting keyed at all those NASCAR events I attend with my spouse of 70 years, Thelma Lynn.

Furthermore, I have successfully been convinced by the largest efficient union (UAW) into believing that I must support American car manufacturers in order to be a patriotic American. In fact, I have a bumper sticker on the back of my 78' Monza that reads: Buy Japanese help them buy America

If anyone has any problem with that you can find me in a van down by the river.
Hey now, there is ONE Buick that doesn't look all that bad...I think its a Buick though, might be a Pontiac. But I'm almost positive its like a "supercharged" Buick something or other...

all other Buick's BLOW though.

You are right about hte Nascar thing though!! I'm afraid to my X to Daytona!!! lol
I have never owned a GM car and never will. They'll never build a car that will meet my standards. Their cars are built just "good enough." No GM car has ever impressed me with build quality. I was at the LA car show back in the late 80's and saw a brand new white four-door Cadillac Eldorado, their top end status car. Upon opening the driver side door, I could see a shim between the bolt holding the fender to the chasis. It was used to push out the fender away from the chasis to make it flush with the outer door. Opening the passenger side door, I saw EIGHT shims between the fender bolt and chasis to make the fender flush with the door. EIGHT??? Isn't the chasis straight to begin with? What a P.O.S. Who'd settle for this? I surely wouldn't. Remember the diesel craze? Instead of building a diesel engine from the ground up, they converted gasoline engines to diesel. The blocks/cylinder heads couldn't take the 22:1 compression ratios and they were failing miserably. These were the worst engines GM has ever built due to their incredibly high failure rate. They *could* have built a diesel engine the way it should have been built in the first place but no. They took the cheapest route without any regard to reliability. As long as it works.

You wonder how the company stays in business. When import cars that are well built and reliable start going up in price, GM raises the prices of their cars to a similar level of the imports. As the quality and workmanship of the imports improve in relation to the price increase, the Big Three's cars' don't. The prices go up and the quality improves at a snails pace, if at all. Building a quality car is not their number one priority.

My favorite quote:

<I>"Strive for perfection in everything.
Take the best that exists and make it better.
If it doesn't exist, create it.
Accept nothing nearly right or good enough."

-Sir Henry Royce, co-founder of Rolls Royce.</I>

Now if GM could embrace just a little bit of this philosophy.