Really, it should have been the 355, the only one mentioned so far that can actually hang with and/or surpass an NSX . . .
The only reason they compare the NSX to the 308 is price, which should end the discussion.
I love those British rags, primarily for the classifieds. I have an issue from a few months ago that mentioned this comparison was coming, and I didn't have to read the article. I've seen NSX mention before, and it was always the same. The car was dynamically perfect and an amazing value but it is Japanese and reliable, so they thought that meant it was not an emotional object . . .
They can't get their heads around the beauty of the NSX. They deny the soul and heritage of a car that is so much more than the 308 or the other third tier (the so-called 'bread and butter cars') Ferraris that didn't become worthwhile until the 355 IMO. The earlier cars don't interest me as a supercar, and frankly, uttering supercar and the 308 in the same sentence is amusing. I don't call the NSX a supercar, either. In 1991 it was at least in that realm, but not much beyond that. It is still an exotic sports car, but not a supercar.
The NSX is light years ahead of the 308, despite how nice the 308 exhaust sounds and the cachet of the prancing horse.
Obviously, anyone can have a legitimate desire for a 308 over anything, including an NSX, but desire is a different matter.