This may sound weird......HELP

16 December 2002
Atlanta, GA USA
This might get ugly...but here goes, does anyone know if there is anyone hiring?? I lost my job a few months back, and I have not had a single bit of luck finding anything since. I am now to the point of having to find something or losing my NSX. I have already listed my NSX for sale just to see what I can get for it. PLEASE HELP..any suggestions? Keep in mind, I can do almost anything. I am good with computers, I am Very creative, and I can sell fact thats how I got my NSX, I started with a POS car, and sold and bought an dsold till I got where I am, but I had a job too.

[This message has been edited by gatdamn (edited 16 March 2003).]
My sympathies to you.

What exactly are your skills and experiences? What kind of job are you looking for?
Originally posted by NSX_Dreamer:
My sympathies to you.

What exactly are your skills and experiences? What kind of job are you looking for?

Thank you Dreamer, I have sold many cars, and my most recent job was a sales consultant. Other than that I am open to anything. I can do whatever I need to do. I am a very, very fast learner.

[This message has been edited by gatdamn (edited 16 March 2003).]
All I can say is: You've got plenty of company here, Bro'

- Richard
Can't offer you a job, just i offer u my sympathy... i'm looking for full-time work and just this morning i received 2 rejections. A man can only take so much.

PS. the human body can usually go without food for a couple of weeks... you might want to try that before selling the NSX.
gatdamn, I am sorry to hear your plight, although as mentioned already, there are many on this board who would be able to commiserate.

Couple of quick questions for you, to give myself and others a better sense of your talents:

(1) Do you have a resume you can upload?
(2) How willing are you to relocate?
(3) What sort of luck have you had with job sites, such as and others?
(4) What are people saying with respect to their inability to offer you a position? Ie, is it just that they don't have the headcount at this time, or are there weaknesses in your candidacy that they have pointed to?

I wish you the very best in your job search, and will keep an eye out for opportunities for you in the Windy City.


[This message has been edited by NSXaholic (edited 17 March 2003).]
Originally posted by NSXaholic:

(1) Do you have a resume you can upload?
(2) How willing are you to relocate?
(3) What sort of luck have you had with job sites, such as and others?
(4) What are people saying with respect to their inability to offer you a position? Ie, is it just that they don't have the headcount at this time, or are there weaknesses in your candidacy that they have pointed to?

(1)I do not have a resume at this time, I will have one ready tomorrow.

(2)I haven't really thought about relocation, but I would definately consider it.

(3)No luck in my area what so ever. (monster, ajcjobs, hotjobs, etc)

(4)As for the area I live in, and surrounding areas, all positions are filled. Some look at my young age as a set back, but I can guarantee I will not let anyone down, I am truly a very hard worker, I payed for my NSX in cash.

Thank you for being so thoughtful and going out of your way to help me out.
Gat, do you have a degree? Another thought besides getting a job right away is going back to school for a degree, if you haven't got one, or to get one in the field that you are interested in...
Originally posted by NSX_Dreamer:
Gat, do you have a degree? Another thought besides getting a job right away is going back to school for a degree, if you haven't got one, or to get one in the field that you are interested in...

No I do not have a degree, I am working on an IT program. The only reason I really need a job is for insurance and rent and other bills, and so that I dont have to sell my X.
I agree 8000RPM, I just love this car. I know I can buy another one down the line so thats why I have listed it for sale.
Have you tried looking in less than obvious places?

For example, I have always wanted to do work involving cars, and a couple of months ago it occured to me to become a driving instructor. I really don't mind spending all day in a car (and when I get my NSX I will spend even more time in the car!), and I like teaching.

Or, if you are truly a "people person" you could try applying at an abuse clinic (something I am also considering, as I like to help children grow in to happy, confident people).

The BEST job I ever had was as a teacher's assistant in a kindergarten class. Wonderful kids, great parents, great teachers.

Try looking in places that others may not think to look.

I hope that helps.
private me or page me at 800 678 6310. I'd be happy to compare skillsets and interests and see if we might have a match in the company i work for. we are nationwide, so even if georgia has no openings relo might be an option if you would be interested.
Originally posted by naaman:
Have you tried looking in less than obvious places? Try looking in places that others may not think to look. I hope that helps.

This is EXCELLENT advice naaman. I have learned 2 things from my limited time in the business world.

#1 If you work for a living at what makes you genuinely happy, success ALWAYS ultimately follows.

#2 If you "give" seeking NO recognition, what you get back is exponential.

Neither of these make sense and sound VERY hokey but they're true. I guess most people feel they have to be miserable SOB's from 9-5. "That's why they call it work!"

Hey, you own an NSX. That shows you think differently. Now just build on it....good luck and remember, advice is free so trust your gut.
Originally posted by gatdamn:
I lost my job a few months back, and I have not had a single bit of luck finding anything since. ...(1)I do not have a resume at this time... tomorrow.

Good luck in your search. Do not tell an interviewer that it took you 2 months to put together a resume after you lost your job. That is automatic disqualification in the eyes of many!

[This message has been edited by KGP (edited 18 March 2003).]
I have a resume, I just didn't have one availabl at the time I wrote the reply. I could have just wrote one, but I would have probably forgot something.
Originally posted by McAttack:
This is EXCELLENT advice naaman. I have learned 2 things from my limited time in the business world.

#1 If you work for a living at what makes you genuinely happy, success ALWAYS ultimately follows.

#2 If you "give" seeking NO recognition, what you get back is exponential.

Neither of these make sense and sound VERY hokey but they're true. I guess most people feel they have to be miserable SOB's from 9-5. "That's why they call it work!"

Hey, you own an NSX. That shows you think differently. Now just build on it....good luck and remember, advice is free so trust your gut.

Hey, thanks. But really, I cannot stress it enough: think of what your dream job would be and shoot for it, or, if it is impossible to attain for now, go for the next best thing you can find, but make sure it's what you like to do. And like McAttack said, most people don't look for their dream job, they just look for the most obvious way to make money, so they wind up bagging groceries or pumping gas. If the job you actively seek is one that you truly want, you WILL find one.
Great advise. But a temp. job couldn't hurt till I find what I want. but I will definately keep that in mind, I have always had fun jobs or I atleast did what I set out to do. You are right, you can make more by doing something you really enjoy.
I know you live in Georgia but if you are desperate and are willing to move, the California Department of Corrections is looking for qualified people to work at various prisons throughout the state. Go here if you are interested.

Don't laugh. It's a good career. Excellent pay and super retirement system with all the perks (medical, dental, etc.). As long as you have a High School Education, clean record (no felony conviction), and are in fairly good condition, you'll probably qualify.

On the down side, you'll probably be working night shifts, weekends, holidays, etc.

Just a thought.

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
Do you know of another Green-Black roof NSX?? Please email me if you do.
whether you call it home temporarily or are a 'paid visitor'--DOC is a hard life, no?

years past i had friends who worked corrections. fairly high burnout rate--tough career, according to them.

more of a 'calling' than a career.
Gatdamn, I feel your pain. I have an engineering degree and can't find a job anywhere, even as an internship. The economy sucks and there is no sign of it getting better. I'm working over 60 hrs a week at a gas station just so I can keep my nsx. It looks like I'm going to have to go back to school soon to make myself more marketable. If I was you, I'd take anything I could get, you can always quit when you find something better.
I've got an interview with a ford dealership a detailer, maybe $7/hour will last till I find something better. Great advise Steve.