this is weird - two times now people have knocked on my door asking...

14 December 2003
NSXPO '05, '10 & '15
Twice, out of the blue, in the last few months, people have knocked on my door, asking if my used Honda Accord is for sale.

It's a very clean early 90's Honda Accord, but there's no sign on it that says for sale. I don't understand why people get the idea that it's for sale.

So I've had to tell two people know that, no, my Accord is not for sale.

When I had a Nissan pickup this never happened. What is it about the Honda that makes people assume that I want to sell it? :confused:
90's Accords have been very reliable cars and they are pretty cheap today. You probably have one that is well maintained and some people just look for that: a good-looking, well maintained, very reliable and cheap car... btw, is your Accord for sale ? :D
This happened to me some years ago with an older well-running Nissan - apparently it was a model with a good rep for longevity and gas station attendants asked about it several times. This also happens to several friends with Hondas - if they happen to mention getting a new car, say, at work then there are several people offering to buy the old Honda.
I've had random people ask me if my legend (93 blk/blk LS) was for sale when I still had it, even though I didn't have any for sale signs or at the time had no intentions of selling it.
T Bell said:
Where was it parked? If it was parked at the end of the drive, possibly backed in, it may have "looked" like it was for sale.

The car was parked head first on the drive way, so nothing unusual about it.

The Accord is the BEST car I've owned so far. It has over 200,000 miles on it, and I've never had a major problem. My mechanic describes the car as "bullet-proof".

It has a manual transmission, that to the best of my knowledge, has NEVER had its clutch replaced. However, there is no reason to do so - it works great. I hope to get a million miles or more out of this car. It is more fun to drive than many luxury vehicles I've been in.
NsXMas said:
It has over 200,000 miles on it, and I've never had a major problem. My mechanic describes the car as "bullet-proof".

I have a friend who once had an 84 civic hatch S, with 260,000 mile on it! He always bragged to me on the milage. One day he called and said "guess what, I had to take it to the junk yard" I thought well finally the little 12 valve saw it end.......come to find out, that the motor was still running strong, some of the suspension pieces had rusted through and failed! Well with our's being all aluminum, we should have them out last the motor!
NsXMas said:
...The Accord is the BEST car I've owned so far. It has over 200,000 miles on it, and I've never had a major problem. My mechanic describes the car as "bullet-proof".

It has a manual transmission, that to the best of my knowledge, has NEVER had its clutch replaced. However, there is no reason to do so - it works great. I hope to get a million miles or more out of this car. It is more fun to drive than many luxury vehicles I've been in.

I am with you on this. My 1990 Honda Accord EX has just over 181,000 miles and was my first car back when I was 15. I am 27 now and still have it. I actually sold it about 8 years ago and then bought it back 6 months later because I missed it. :D

The car is so much fun to drive, and still has the ORIGINAL clutch in it and everything. I take care of my cars and they take care of me. :)

By the way, it was funny this topic came up. About 2 weeks ago I stopped in at a local business and a guy came out, asked me what year my car was, and if I wanted to sell it!! Evidently these cars are in demand a lot, because that is probably the fourth or fifth offer I have had on my 'not for sale' Accord in the past year. I am keeping her forever, and will never sell. :)
NeoNSX said:
Which Honda's haven't been reliable?

My 94 Integra is always giving me something new to worry about. It has been treated nicely and always mainteneced. But since it got around at 106k now, every few months there seems to be a new hick-up. First the check engine light would come on if the car was revved to more than 3k before warming up completely. Im not talking about red lining the thing, just getting it close to 3k rpm would signal the light. This never was a problem before. Then the horn went out, next the cruise control, now the abs light comes on about 1/4 times it starts. Its also draining the entire tank of coolant per wk and no body can find the leak. It also only gets about 18 mpg even when I baby the thing. That is also a mistry no mechanic has been able to diagnos yet. And about a week ago the car had decided to no not start and reset all the electronics like the battery was dead every so often. I had the battery check, its ok, im thinking something with the wiring maybe at fault.
MF-DIF said:
My 94 Integra is always giving me something new to worry about. It has been treated nicely and always mainteneced. But since it got around at 106k now, every few months there seems to be a new hick-up. First the check engine light would come on if the car was revved to more than 3k before warming up completely. Im not talking about red lining the thing, just getting it close to 3k rpm would signal the light. This never was a problem before. Then the horn went out, next the cruise control, now the abs light comes on about 1/4 times it starts. Its also draining the entire tank of coolant per wk and no body can find the leak. It also only gets about 18 mpg even when I baby the thing. That is also a mistry no mechanic has been able to diagnos yet. And about a week ago the car had decided to no not start and reset all the electronics like the battery was dead every so often. I had the battery check, its ok, im thinking something with the wiring maybe at fault.

WOW!! That is weird. I have a '96 Integra GSR (42,960 miles approximately) and it has been really good to me. Have you owned your car since it was new?? Just curious because it sounds like your car has a string of VERY odd problems.
My 89 Integra RS had 23000 miles now and running STRONG!! I drove it to Lake Tahoe (500 miles total and 8000 fts!!) 3-4 times a years and never have any problems.

I still have the paper work for my first oil changed..back in 89 :D
ac011 said:
My 89 Integra RS had 23000 miles now and running STRONG!! I drove it to Lake Tahoe (500 miles total and 8000 fts!!) 3-4 times a years and never have any problems.

I still have the paper work for my first oil changed..back in 89 :D

You only have 23,000 miles on an '89 Integra??
Still drive our 1990 Integra GS daily with over 172,000 miles.
The only problems I had was the top end of radiator was replaced
and the ABS went out at 100,000 miles.
Still runs great, no oil leaks, does not burn oil!
Changing oil every 3,000 miles and it shoud last for a while.