This is just too damn funny!

That's seriously funny stuff. Tha's Yo bling bling shizzling rap dogz! :D

<B>loNfastNSX</B> : Sorry, couldn't direct-link to the mp3. Good luck at the meet. :p
NSX-Racer said:
Sorry, but that was already posted last year - there's another thread where you can download the mp3 - too lazy to search.

That's nice, but I wasn't here last year and I see a few others haven't seen it before.
NSX-Racer said:
Sorry, but that was already posted last year - there's another thread where you can download the mp3 - too lazy to search.

You sure it was this same mp3? this is new to me.
lol...check with NSXTASY... he'll know. :D
Someone please get a direct link to that MP3.

I'm sooo gonna play it when I see ricers haha
NeoNSX said:
err... Kelvin... hate to say this but linkie no workie. ;)
Hmm, works for me though. Maybe you need to click on the original link to view the MP3 on the angelfire page, then right click on this one and select "save as." Or it could be an Opera thing. :p